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Republican US Senate Hirsh Singh is Looking for Apologies

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Hirsh Singh Will Accept Apology From Never-Trumpers Bill Palatucci and GOP County Heads After Their Failed Attempt to Disenfranchise Conservative Voters and Help a Democrat

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Linwood NJ, Hirsh Singh, who is running in the Republican US Senate Primary, has said he will accept a formal apology from Chris Christie’s lower level aide Bill Palatucci and eight Republican Party county leaders for their dishonest claims which could amount to voter fraud on their part. The county leaders included Union County’s Chair Glenn Mortimer who was part of the group that attempted a coup against Donald Trump in 2016 in order to steal the GOP nomination and hand it over to John Kasich. The county leaders attacked Hirsh Singh and tried to mislead voters by claiming that Singh was wrong in pointing out that voters were permitted to ask for duplicate ballots to correct their vote, and put out messages with the aim of helping Singh’s opponent Rikin Mehta, a lifelong Democrat who voted for Obama and worked for D.C. Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser.

“Trying to steal our party’s nomination from President Trump was a blatant case of election fraud and the same people who attempted that coup are now trying to indulge in voter suppression,” said Singh. “The latest fraud is a ploy to distract from the fact that Rikin Mehta is a Democrat plant who will stop the Republican Resurgence in NJ. We are winning. It’s an unsuccessful orchestrated attempt to stop our momentum,” added Singh.

It has now emerged that Singh’s earlier message was accurate as Camden County’s website as well as the ballots of multiple counties including Atlantic County and Ocean County (see images) clearly state that voters may request a duplicate ballot if they incorrectly marked it. Palatucci was among those who either directly or indirectly attacked Singh in order to help Singh’s opponent Rikin Mehta, a lifelong Democrat who voted for Obama and has infiltrated the Republican Primary.

The other county Chairs who joined the false flag attack on Singh include Camden County Chairman Rich Ambrosino, Essex County Chairman Al Barlas, Middlesex County Chairwoman Lucille Panos, Gloucester County Chairwoman Jacci Vigilante, Hunterdon County Chairman Pat Torpey, Salem County Chairwoman Linda DuBois and Burlington County Chairman Sean Earlen.

What is strange is that the Attorney General’s office too came up with a cease-and-desist letter that contradicted the information on the ballots. That letter was sent only over email to a generic campaign email address — a strange method of communication for a government entity — indicating that it may have been the work of a rogue employee who wanted to generate publicity for Singh’s opponent. The Attorney General’s office did not respond to Singh’s messages asking for a phone number to authenticate the source of the letter. That letter was in the hands of Singh’s detractors by the time the campaign received it.

The Attorney General is a Democrat but it should surprise no one that Palatucci is connected to Democrats. Palatucci headed a chain of halfway houses that had deep ties to Democrats, and he advised Chris Christie who facilitated the election of the Democrat Cory Booker both for Mayor of Newark in 2002, when Christie prosecuted Booker’s opponents, and in 2013 when he ensured that the US Senate election was not scheduled along with the gubernatorial election which would have resulted in the defeat of Booker.

Palatucci and the eight GOP county Chairs have thrown their weight behind Singh’s opponent Rikin Mehta who has been labeled a “Hard Democrat” by the party’s official database. Worse, Mehta himself has been a lifelong Democrat and voted for Obama and has been quoted by DC Nurse as praising Obamacare. He also held political appointments given to him by two progressive Democrat mayors of Washington D.C. Such posts are given only to trusted progressives who work across party lines. Although he got onto the Republican party’s ballot this year, it was done with the help of signatures of registered Democrats who also circulated his petition that had to be filed as part of the election process.

In contrast, Hirsh Singh has been a lifelong Republican and has never donated a single cent to any Democrat. He is an alumnus of the Leadership Institute and the brain behind the Republican Party’s resurgence in New Jersey as pointed out by the Washington Times. This has caused resentment among Republicans whose ideology is restricted to bipartisanship with the Democrats in the interest of power and money.

Singh has already been endorsed by RNC Committeewoman Ginny Haines, Ocean County Republican Organization Chairman Frank Holman, Ocean County Republican Organization Vice Chairwoman Barbara Lanuto, Ocean County Freeholder Chairman John Kelly, Freeholder Joseph Vicari, Freeholder Gerry Little, Freeholder Gary Quinn, Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy, Ocean County Clerk Scott Colabella, State Committeewoman Janice Fields, Atlantic County’s Linwood Republican Club, Montclair Republican Club, the Conservative Party of New Jersey, and Bergen County’s and New Jersey’s youngest County Committeeman Michael Schnoll.


One thought on “Republican US Senate Hirsh Singh is Looking for Apologies

  1. Couldn’t find a better picture of this guy?

    Also, it’s Linwood, not Linwod.

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