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RHS Alumni Association and RHS Parents Honor the RHS Class of 2024

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photos courtesy of Dominique Diercxsens Gable Ridgewood High School Alumni Association 

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Saturday members of the RHS Alumni Association and RHS parents came together to honor the RHS Class of 2024 by placing banners all throughout the Village to highlight, recognize and celebrate each member of the Class of 2024.

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5 thoughts on “RHS Alumni Association and RHS Parents Honor the RHS Class of 2024

  1. Is that really her name ?

    Dominique Diercxsens Gable

  2. Why do you care? Everyone has a unique name. Geesh

    1. John Smith would like to have a word with you.

    2. I’m just saying, it’s a lot of names. Kind of like a Larry David episode.

  3. Randomly placed

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