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RHS Green Club Jumps Into Action

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the RHS Green Club jumps into action and organizes the first  post flood clean up Job . The Green club is dedicated to making RHS a greener and more eco-friendly place!

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15 thoughts on “RHS Green Club Jumps Into Action

  1. nice to see the kids “putting their money where their mouth is” , instead of the usual putting “other peoples money where your mouth is”

    1. Backhanded compliment.

      They exemplify what it means to be part of a community. The best among us.

      1. Indoctrinated losers who want to feel good while having minimal to no impact.

        1. …more like naive useful idiots, rather than “losers”

  2. I can’t get over the crap on the sides of our roads….people just roll down the window and just toss their garbage out.

  3. Wait til the billboard is up. Ridgewood is selling out to be come cheesy town. This is the Mayor’s goal. As a business owner he wants all arrow signs pointing to downtown, especially if they are giant LED monstrosities. Look at how built up the CBD in Montclair is. Ridgewood is headed in the same direction. Business downtown isn’t good. Pedestrian plaza was an epic fail. Now they are desperate which is why Paul wants the billboard and thanks to Gail Price, they are trying their best to make it happen.

  4. Send the sweepers out.

    1. We do that all the time in Glen Rock.

  5. Nice to see the kids out doing this!!

  6. When are they going to finally remediate Agnello‘s garage? I’m sure Ben & Jerry’s would love to know. I have a super fun site right next-door to one of their ice cream shops..

  7. How about the d p w doing this.

  8. Hope these kids, if 18, register to vote, and do.

  9. Yes, I hope they are registered to vote, especially not voting for Biden. Hopefully not being brainwashed.
    Put the probably drinking the Kool-Aid

  10. great job , don’t listen to the good for nothing armchair experts

  11. love when the Ridgewood cuc-boys pick on kids ,how pathetic

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