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Ridgewood Board of Education Appointments Dr. Thomas A. Gorman as Superintendent of Schools

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Board of Education, approved the appointment as listed below, effective March 1, 2021 through June 30, 2025. The contract has been approved by the Interim Executive County Superintendent as required by law. Dr. Thomas A. Gorman, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Gorman’s credentials are as follows:

Doctorate, Educational Administration and Supervision, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ

Master of Arts, Administration and Supervision, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ Bachelor of Arts, History,

Muhlenberg College, PA 

2012-2020: Principal, Ridgewood High School 

2007-2012: Principal, Westwood Regional Jr./Sr. High School 

2004-2007: Assistant Principal, Ramapo High School 

2002-2004: Assistant Principal, Midland Park High School

1999-2002: Social Studies Teacher, Ramapo High School 

1998-1999: Social Studies Teacher, Teaneck High School 

Salary $218,000.

10 thoughts on “Ridgewood Board of Education Appointments Dr. Thomas A. Gorman as Superintendent of Schools

  1. The plus side:
    Well liked by the community as an entirety
    Likely to find no skeletons in his closet
    Knows the players

    The minus side:
    If things go south, he’ll be difficult to dispose of
    His friendships with some staff members may hinder his ability to impose disciplinary action when required (example: HEATHER MAILANDER)
    Very little chance of innovative ideas being introduced since he comes from within

  2. And..we need to find a new principal
    Lets not promote from within.

  3. Right off the bat he screws up by not having a plan in place to vaccinate the teachers. This isn’t starting out well.

  4. Teachers need to be vaccinated, HePA 5 filters need to installed and kids should be tested with the new at home tests prior to full time in person learning for all.

  5. Kids in school asap. Teachers can get more excuses. Kids don’t transmit virus at school..its from weekends with their friends. Stop the nonsense. Parents can choose to keep their kids remote if not comfortable w in person school

  6. Kids don’t need to be tested every day. It has been proven that masks and social distancing in schools work. That’s fact at this point.

  7. To anon above, I don’t want to bust the bubble your living in but kids spread the virus Both at school and on weekends with friends. In all cases, it is the parents that are irresponsible in their actions by not telling the truth to contact tracers and by acting like they are partying like it is 1999.

  8. It seems to me that anonYMOUS is the one living in the bubble (or wants to be).
    The rest of us will be out here in the real world with our immune systems living our lives and not hiding in our houses.


  9. Ridgewood is becoming (became?) a woke agenda driven school system producing unthinking obedient drones with very little in the area of critical thinking skills nor any interest in true freedom of thought or freedom to live a self-determined life for everyone.

    This of course will continue and Ridgewood will maintain its decline, both academically and as a desirable place to raise your children.

  10. Gorman and the rest of the Board of Education (Brogan, Poelstra, Kaufman, etc) were exposed as incompetent and possibly corrupt on 3/8/21 BOE meeting. Please watch the webcast. They have no plan in place for full return to in-person learning in the Ridgewood public schools and present nonsensical drivel about “waiting to see what the numbers like in next few weeks, some parents want to stay remote, be patient, can’t have lunch in school, 6 feet presents a problem, etc.” They should be voted out, fired, sued, etc, with cause. Kaufman sends his own children to private school, not public school. They have failed our students, families, and community. They are more interested in pandering to teachers’ unions. Newsflash: all other essential workers returned to their jobs last April, vaccine or not. Ridgewood taxpayers deserve better than this.

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