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Ridgewood Board of Education (BOE) budget – 0% tax increase?

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the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, during Monday evening’s BOE meeting, Interim Ridgewood Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Leonard Fitts hinted that this year’s proposed BOE budget COULD result in a 0% related property tax increase. Our readers no doubt recall that the municipal budget will likely result in a related property tax increase of 3.96% or more (Yikes!). It would appear at this point that BOE members will easily win this year’s Ridgewood Taxpayer Appreciation Award.

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16 thoughts on “Ridgewood Board of Education (BOE) budget – 0% tax increase?

  1. A group of 3 or 4 teens are sitting around a table at the library. One is leading the conversation, she looks like a natural leader, one with potential to go places. I listen in and hear a term I never heard before, which is rare for one very well read who keeps up with the times. In between some bookends of “like” it comes out. “Homo-nationalism.” This is how these schools are directing these great young minds. Cultural Marxism, anti-natalism… This is what you are paying for.

    1. Similar to so many on this blog who favor “overreactism”, “smug-paranoia-ism” or the old-time favorite “racism”

      1. who, details…

      2. Not enough people are reacting to the damage being done to young people through the schools. They have their head in the sand and are going to figure it out to late.

      3. One is left to wonder the last time you actually argued an issue on its merits and without attempting to stifle debate by throwing the R word down.

        The commenter above was reacting to a term that he justifiably assumed came up in the school setting and when you research it, refers to a movement of exclusion and segregation that is anathema to American values. When Ridgewood public schools are absorbing such a huge amount of $, do you think that they should be spending any time at all on Leftist tripe like this? No ad hominems please, just a “yes” or “no” with factual justification.

    2. What is “things that never happened”, Alex?

      I’ll take Potent Potables for $550.

      1. Ah yes, a fine factual response. Gotta love the Left. They are so picky as to which fantasies they’ll believe, even when the subject raised by the original poster is easily found in a quick internet search. I suppose you also don’t believe some schools make provisions for kids who identify as “furries”. Odd as that seems, I have verified first-hand accounts from friends of mine w/ kids in school (on both the east and west coasts) that this has happened. So keep pretending things don’t happen. Maybe they will hire you for a job on the WH communications team.

        1. You’re referring to litter boxes in school, yes?

          An embarrassingly easy lie to debunk. This has happened in precisely zero schools, ever.

          Your “friend”, if they do exist, is lying.

          Get outta here with your “factual response”.

  2. I’ll believe it when I see it.

  3. Council has too many expensive pet projects, Trash cans, sports fields, parking meter posts, pedestrian mall, dining corrals, and the list goes on.

    1. Most of these unnecessary projects involve the CBD. I say if the businesses want new trash cans, let them pay for it. I think the trash cans are just fine. And can you say ginormous empty garage (draining our tax $$$)?

  4. The Board is at least trying

  5. Another thoughtful comment inexplicably deleted.

  6. May this be a lesson or exercise for the Village Council. Why can’t the Village survive on last years expenses? Perhaps for a couple of years on out? Many homeowner ‘make do’ with less income and much higher expenses. It just takes will, determination and discipline. They should try it. The sky WILL NOT FALL.

  7. Listen, don’t be so happy with 0% increase on the Board of Education. Because next year you will pay double so you know what maybe they should put in their budget 3/4 of a percent 1% something so they have a little slush fund. At 0%. It’s all bullshit. You will see down the road.

  8. Yeah it’s all bull crap.

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