the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Board Education meets on February 13, 2023 for a Regular Public Meeting.
Click here to view the meeting notice and agenda.
The public can attend the regular public meeting in-person at the Education Center or view, listen and comment during the public comment period of the meeting via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPAD, iPhone, or Android Device.
- Meeting ID: 870-1302-7741
- Password:021307450
- Use the “raise hand” button to make a comment
- Dial: 646-558-8656
- Meeting ID: 870-1302-7741
- Password: 021307450
- Press *9 to make a comment
The Public can also view by streaming on our District Website or Fios Channel 33.
Love the picture – is it of the soon-to-be proposed “delayed start” time???
Hmm no more 6am workouts. New girls lax coach
this is a total power (and money) grab by the teachers and admins.
EVERYONE knows that RW students WILL NOT get any additional sleep.
They will just be able to stay up later.
All we get out of this is:
– More convenient commute for teachers and admin
– More money (by reducing work hours) for teachers and admin.
– Lesss educated students
Here is the “resolution” directly from the BOE agenda for tonight.
This is NOT a resolution, this is a fake out. This is a “resolution” from a board that doesn’t want to make any changes, that don’t like experts, that don’t care about students, that only care about money.
“The Ridgewood Board of Education supports the Interim Superintendent’s recommendation to study and possibly implement a Late Start Initiative at Ridgewood High School for the 2023-2024 school year. This Board resolution of support is subject to future Board approval should the Late Start Initiative at Ridgewood High School for the 2023-2024 school year result in any additional financial costs and/or required sidebar agreements with the Ridgewood Education Association related thereto.”
Change the start time for no other reason the students want it
But lets not kid ourselves. This is for teachers via the union. Kids will not get more sleep unless…
– the hs admin addresses the excess homework issue
– the hs admin strictly forbids before school sports team workouts
– the busing issue is resolved
Has anyone ever considered that there are kids who are early risers? I’ve ALWAYS woken up by 6am, even in my teens. I’ve always started work before 7am. Isn’t this unfair to them? Has anyone spoken on their behalf? Did anyone survey the actual students? And how about working parents? Such BS.
noun: resolution; plural noun: resolutions
a firm decision to do or not to do something.
“she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more”
the quality of being determined or resolute.
“he handled the last French actions of the war with resolution”
It sounds like an attempt to appease a block of voters first and foremost. And then put the increased coats on the teachers and say sorry we couldn’t do it after all, the teachers wouldn’t work with us. This board is not student’s first that’s for sure.
teaches have a 20 minute shorter day for the same pay , that was the whole point , Ridgewood Taxpayers screwed again
820am good morning.
They got it. Let’s see how it works.