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Ridgewood Crew Annual Row-A-Thon, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Van Neste Square


photo from 2012 Row-A-Thon

Ridgewood Crew Annual Row-A-Thon, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Van Neste Square

Ridgewood Crew Rowing Program’s annual Row-A-Thon, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Van Neste Square. Information:

Ridgewood Crew introduces Ridgewood, NJ high school-aged youth to the traditions, athleticism, sportsmanship, techniques and camaraderie of the sport of rowing. Founded in 2004, the team rows on the Passaic River in northern NJ and competes in the sport’s premier regattas held throughout the Northeast.

In the program’s 8 years, our youth, board and parent volunteers have moved Ridgewood Crew forward by leaps and bounds. That success is represented by the widespread individual and team achievements of each of the 63 student-athletes on the 2011 roster. To facilitate that success, Ridgewood Crew continues to make unprecedented investments in coaching and new equipment. The 2012 coaching staff is one of the most experienced in program history and we were pleased to take delivery of three additional Vespoli boats.

On the river, Ridgewood Crew athletes compete in the Philly Flicks on the Schuylkill River as well as at the highly competitive SRAA Nationals, Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia City Championships, Passaic River Northern NJ Championships and Garden State Championships. Additionally, the team’s overall performance continued to attract interest from top rowing colleges and universities including: Bucknell, Boston College, Boston University, Drexel, Duke, Georgetown, George Mason, Harvard, Holy Cross, Lehigh, Syracuse, Marist, Williams, Trinity College, University of Delaware and others. The program also celebrated its first female athlete to receive a full, four-year rowing scholarship.

Ridgewood Crew offers several ways for you to experience our mission. Join the team, volunteer or donate.

As a not-for-profit organization, Ridgewood Crew receives no public funding. Accordingly, we rely upon numerous fundraisers throughout the year to support the club’s mission. Money raised from fundraising activities goes toward equipment purchases and maintenance, coaching costs, transportation and race entry fees.

In 2007, the Board of Directors founded the Robert Zeller Scholarship Fund, in honor of Ridgewood Crew’s founding president, Robert Zeller.  The scholarship is funded through private donations and is open to eligible Ridgewood Crew seniors.

For more information about supporting Ridgewood Crew or the Robert Zeller Scholarship Fund, please contact us at

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