the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, these are from the ELEC report of MICALE and MCHEDLISHVILI, who are endorsed by the Union.
NJEA is actively taking a side against these parents, whom the NJEA characterizes as driven by “political actors on the extreme right.” To counter them, the NJEA is conducting a statewide campaign that seeks to enlist teachers in the fight. The NJEA has set up a website, built a reporting mechanism to centralize information, and sent out its staff and political organizers to districts all around the state. Sunlight Policy Center of New Jersey has listened to recordings of meetings between NJEA staff and local teachers that provide on-the-ground confirmation of this on-going campaign. All New Jersey should know that the NJEA – a union that represents 125,000 teachers who teach our schoolchildren – is actively seeking to use teachers to control New Jersey’s school boards and set local education policies.
MCHEDLISHVILI and MICALE, both backed by the union, can’t decide on how much they contributed in-kind. One says it’s $346.78, the other says it’s $229.50.
the Ridgewood blog has a brand-new twitter account, we tweet good sh$t
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Looks like they both failed to disclose the correct amounts and they both failed to disclose the correct dates. They just used the date on which they ‘reported’ it to the NJELEC, instead of the actual date when this expense occurred.
Same campaign for both of them is being reported at two different dates and two different amounts (and both incorrect)!
How do you expect these guys to take care of district finances of 100M?
I wasn’t impressed with either of them. Julie M was very hard to understand and she pretty much read from a script, Micale seems way to aggressive to be able to get along with the BOE members. coupled with this undislosed financial backing is troubling. Anyone running for political office should be honest. We know this with our Village Council, they say one thing and do another.
Micale feels she’s “entitled” for this position. It’s a closed group of nominating team and HSA executive committee that rotate the positions. She was president of RHS HSA – then federated and now back to RHS – keeping control.
She keeps referring to her contributions as Ridgewood Education Foundation – which has not given ANY money to the district for last 6-7 years. How much money did the ed foundation contribute towards the 1-1 chromebook initiative and when was that? Chromebooks life is 3 years BTW.
Julie M : NYC public school system…leave those test scores and woke policies in the failed NYC public school system.
Micale has the backing of the knuckle-heads in town who post signs on their front lawn so they can be invited to parties and be viewed as the in crowd..as if they are still in high school. If you understood the issues, did ur homework you would ask ur landscaper to shred those signs.
Interesting how those same residents proudly housed the Tiffany blue signs for the Winograd campaign. Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.
Who are “these parents”? Article starts in the middle. This ain’t “The Aeneid.”
Micale has not hidden this fact. Julie had been hiding it until Micale made it public.
Micale was very clear during the debate and during her coffees and campaigning that she’s running to bring back Fishbein days of handling things! Sheila is already a Union rep there on the board, so with Micale and Sheila – this will be a good combination to bring back old glorious days of Fishbein.
The fact that they don’t want us to know the NJEA endorses them kind of says it all.
Voting for Dani but who else? J Mche and Micale are a NO NO. Who else do I pair with Dani?
Bullet vote Dani. You are not mandated to cast 2 votes.
Micale and the union have been crying about 4 “superintendents” in last 4 years and claiming instability. Here are two fun facts. Those who have been here for a while would remember this:
1. When Fishbein was hired – during that interview process, we had 6 (yes SIX) interim superintendents. So hiring interims is a part of the process.
2. In last 4 years, we have had one acting (Dr Gorman) and one interim (Dr Fitts), before a permanent superintendent was found.
Bonus Fun Fact (#3) – The union at that time, did not do a “vote of no confidence even with 6 interims. What was different in the board’s make-up at that time?
Absolute NO to micale, McKenna and McD
Lembo is a never no way ever. He is a liar and a cheat
The two gentlemen are also a hard no
So I am voting DANI only. He is a superstar. Whoever else wins well let’s just see. Bullet voting DANI will be the way to go.
Lembo is a disgrace
Liar, cheater and dumb