May 12, 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians:
We are excited that our girls and boys lacrosse teams both won the Bergen County final round of competition at Mahwah High School on May 7. It was great to see so many people from our community support our teams during the games. We are extremely proud of our coaches and players.
Unfortunately, despite previous warnings and pleas for assistance in my November 30 and December 11 letters regarding the conduct of our fans at the MetLife Stadium football championship game, Ridgewood High School was again not portrayed in the best light in the stands or parking lot during the lacrosse tournament. Administrators from Mahwah High School have notified us that the parking lot parent tailgate in the Ridgewood section was left in a very poor state with trash and alcohol bottles strewn about. In addition, we had one Ridgewood adult fan verbally accost the referees after the game, which required police intervention.
Sadly, the incidents referenced above are not unique to this one weekend. Many of these negative behaviors are illegal, disruptive, and dangerous. Please note that the consumption of alcohol on school grounds, whether at RHS or another school, is illegal and will result in a summons. It can also place students and athletes attending the tailgates in potential jeopardy of accusations by others, resulting in an investigation of the incident. In addition, this type of behavior may result in the County and State athletic associations not allowing Ridgewood to host future events.
At RHS, we will continue to have educational discussions with our students about the effects of drugs and alcohol; assist in the emotional, psychological, and physical development of our teenagers; and teach about character and decision-making through academics, athletics, and the arts.
We ask for your help in being role models for our students and set the correct tone and image we want portrayed of the RHS community.
Thomas A. Gorman, Ed.D.
A lot of parents are not the brightest, especially when there is alcohol which should not have been permitted.
At RHS, we will continue to have educational discussions with our students about the effects of drugs and alcohol; assist in the emotional, psychological, and physical development of our teenagers; and teach about character and decision-making through academics, athletics, and the arts.
As usual, missing the mark.
This has less (nothing?) to do with “educating” the students in proper behavior (they know right from wrong) and more to do with holding the students (children) responsible for their actions. From a very young age, poor parenting and a home and school environment that puts more emphasis on making children feel good about themselves and blaming others for their poor behavior, rather than having the children face consequences for their actions, is the cause..
no amount of “reeducation” is going to change this behavior – but why start addressing the problem now when ignoring it has felt so good for so long.
Hey now, private school scholarships are on the line here…that’s a lot of steam that has to be let off every now and then…surely our Bergen County neighbors will understand our unique plight…/s
Hits the nail on the head!
Can someone please reveal who this parent is? I would like them banned from attending any sporting event at RHS from this point forward. I will not have people like this spoiling it for everyone else. We should not accept this. Ever. They should be VERY ashamed and owe every parent of RHS a public apology.
Dr Gorman – Hello? Parents tailgate at the RHS Lacrosse games(boys and girls) on a regular basis. Perhaps a little enforcement? CALL THE POLICE! Please do not this group tarnish our reputation any further.
7:00. The parents are binging at a high school lacrosse game. Shame on them. And some were whining that the NV parents were the ones behaving badly. They sound like (they are) children who got caught.
I am sure that they all,knew thay drinking is not allowed at a HS sporting event.
One of them probably hosted a post game beer bash for the team. It is a part of the culture.
I saw some of the football game on tv. During half time the camera was just pointing intomthe stands. A Ridgewood boy stood there with his middle finger held high for the entire time.
So proud of the Ridgewood fans
Time to buy shock collars…only way for them to learn.
Nothing new here….drunken louts in the parking lot are the same louts at home. ( when their there. ) pathetic Ridgewood slobs. And it will happen again next year.
I was at Bosco tonight for a sub varsity doubleheader, I saw 2 NASCAR-type dads drinking from the back of their Ford F-150s….
bigot much?
Why do adults tailgate at HIGH SCHOOL football and lacrosse games? Do they have alcohol at the tailgates? The ones I’ve seen proudly displayed on Facebook do. This seems to set a really bad example. It is not possible for the parents to have an alcohol free tailgate? I guess not. And these will be the same dopes chaperoning the kids at Project Graduation.
I’ve never seen parents drinking before basketball, baseball, swimming, track and field, crew, wrestling, gymnastics, band competitions, etc. Why do we need drunken tailgating at football and LAX?
Setting a geat example for the kids – entitled parents behaving badly
Actually some published photos of the participants might be more effective.
Make the boy with his middle finger raised famous.
The lax parents became very defensive, saying “NV started it”.
Now we know where student athletes get their reputations from.
Typical arrogant new residents
7:13- actually the worst offenders are life long residents. Born and raised here and now raise their kids here. I’m not sure they have ever left the state of NJ. Kind of pathetic. I think you can probably figure out who they are. Hoping the name is revealed soon for a complete public shaming.
The refs have the power to declare a forfeit if fans are found to be drinking alcohol. I’ve witnessed it.
how about publishing the names and pictures of the offenders and ban them from future events. If there are no consequences then we can’t expect behavior to change.
Shame that players day in sun have to be accompanied by this
Everyone Relax.
as for shaming people, you better be sure you have your facts 100% right and have a “perfect life”
with all of the technology today, I’m surprised that their is not any video of this on someone’s facebook page!