July 10,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgwood NJ, Join Ridgewood Parks and Recreation for summer camps that are fun, informative, creative, educational and challenging. Find all program and registration details in the links below.
Tennis Instruction and Camps with All Pro Tennis – all ages
PonyShare Petite Equestrian, Pony Grooming & Riding and an afternoon 1/2 Day Camp – Preschool to Teen
Multi-Sports (Elementary) with US Sports Institute
Sport Squirts (Preschool) with US Sports Institute
Arts and Crafts/Drawing with Mrs. C, Grades 2 to 8
Let’s Go Camping Abrakadoodle Style, ages 4 through 10
Skateboarding Summer Camps – Grades 1 to 6
Golf Camps with Skyhawks, Grades 1 through 6
LEGO® Core Engineering with Play-Well TEKnologies, Grades K to 6
Full STEAM ahead! with Education Explorers, Grades K to 4
Lacrosse Mini Camp with US Sports Institute, ages 5 to 7
Register online via CommunityPass if applicable – www.ridgewoodnj.net/communitypass
Don’t hesitate to contact the Recreation Office if you have any questions or if special accomodations are needed – 201-670-5560, weekdays 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.