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Ridgewood School Board Candidate Dani Puts to Rest Inaccurate Accusations and False Rumors

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Trustee Saurabh Dani addresses  inaccurate accusations being circulated on social media platforms , emails and texts :

In a Facebook post Trustee Saurabh Dani  puts the record straight, “I would like to address some of the messages that are being circulated on closed Facebook groups, text messages and email chains.

A message is being circulated which states that – “In the past four years, our district has seen unprecedented turnover. In that time, we have had four different Superintendents, two different Assistant Superintendent, four different Business Administrators, and two different Directors of Human Resources.”

My response: It appears that this message leans towards a more politically oriented discourse rather than facts:

a. In Bergen County alone, there have been 16 new superintendents appointed this year, highlighting a notable turnover rate. It is essential to consider that the average tenure for a superintendent in this area typically ranges from 3 to 4 years. In the context of the counts mentioned, it’s important to clarify that these counts mentioned are highly inflated and include instances such as retirement, acting appointments, interim positions and administrators currently serving on these positions. It’s a standard practice to appoint an interim while conducting a thorough search for a permanent replacement, a process which the board diligently executed. I take pride in stating that we have successfully secured an excellent superintendent and team through this process.

b. The language used in this paragraph closely mirrors the verbatim statements made by one of the candidates during an HSA meeting prior to this text being released publicly. Additionally, similar wording was presented as part of my interview at Ridgewood Talks several days before this text appeared publicly by one group. This suggests a coordinated effort among political groups to craft a specific narrative rather than presenting objective facts.

A message was posted on a Facebook group claiming, “There was a vote of confidence during a BOE meeting where Dr Fishbein left open the possibility of staying to support the district in the middle of a pandemic however 2 members of the Board (Kwak and Dani) voted against retaining him.”

My response: Dr. Fishbein tendered his resignation with the intention of embarking on a well-deserved retirement. The responsibility of setting the agenda lay with the Superintendent and the Board President. Dr. Fishbein conscientiously included his resignation on the agenda for the purpose of seeking approval via a vote. I honored his decision and cast my vote in favor of accepting his resignation. Any efforts to insinuate that his resignation was insincere and merely a ploy to mobilize the public are both disrespectful and should be discouraged.

A text message is being circulated that “Saurabh’s kids don’t go to Ridgewood schools and he sends his children to a private school”

My response: Our older daughter went to Willard, GW and RHS and graduated in 2023. Our younger daughter went to Willard and GW and then she decided to pursue high school at Bergen County Academies. She’s currently a 9th grader there and still evaluating her choice between BCA and RHS. Should she decide to continue at BCA, I will have a perspective from one of the best schools in the nation, to hopefully bring back some of those experiences to RHS, as I already have experience as elementary, middle and high school parent in Ridgewood public schools.

>It is important to note that BCA is a public school and I am committed to a public school education!

Should you receive any texts or emails making claims about my record, I kindly urge you to get in touch with me at I am more than willing to respond to any inquiries you may have.”


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55 thoughts on “Ridgewood School Board Candidate Dani Puts to Rest Inaccurate Accusations and False Rumors

  1. Kwak and Dani have consistently managed administrators with disrespect and micromanagement. It’s no wonder no one wants to work for them.

    1. Kwak and Dani know how to add

      1. 2 smartest by far. not even close

      2. Kwak’s husband Steve Kim is the largest donor (whose not related to the candidate) to Dani’s campaign per Dani’s campaign filings. Not at all surprised.

        1. yes because he can add too

        2. Atleast Dani has submitted the reports for everyone to review. Some candidates submitted their reports 10 days late, and they were incomplete.

          1. I hear Bob Furhman (OVOV organizer) submitted Micale’s info late but is that okay as she is an NJEA favorite?

            1. He submitted it late and he submitted it incomplete – the expenses related to her yard signs and mailers and goodies are missing!!

    2. best to be a bigot at all cost

    3. you mean they “did not fall in line, and demanded a change”?

    4. That isn’t true. Stop spreading lies and wrong details. Following strict protocol isn’t popular, get your facts straight. If anyone is disrespectful it is Lembo and if you attend any of the BOE meetings you would know that,

    5. Kwak and Dani ask questions when things don’t make sense and hold people to account. That’s their job and, in my opinion, they do it well. He will get my vote.

    6. “It’s no wonder no one wants to work for them” is another baseless and ignorant accusation. Voters, please check the facts. No one “works for” Board Members. Meetings, minutes, resignation letters and emails are all open to the public. Do your homework and VOTE FOR DANI before we are stuck with Village Council 2.0

  2. Not buying a word of this…

    1. power mad NJEA

    2. ‘well deserved retirement’????
      Fishbein has moved on to acting Superintendent positions.
      A well deserved retirement sounds like a well planned glide to the end of the school year and a major celebration of his tenure. Did I miss that? I think Fishbein left mid-year without ceremony. After what like 9 years on the job?
      Gorman- local guy, RHS grad, accomplished administrator fled in less than a year to a smaller district.
      Board/administrator relationships are a precious balance moving toward a shared goal- the schools. What’s wrong at Cottage Place?

      1. What did Fishbein have to hide with district financials to leave if he had majority support from three board members? A lot of NJ public employees do double dipping and that’s what Fishbein is doing. He is double dipping by collecting pension and also taking salary from the tax payer with a job that has no accountability attached to it.

        1. He’s entitled to his pension.

          Teachers’ pensions begin at 60.

          Unlike Social Security, you have nothing to gain by deferring your payments from the state.

          And, if a district wants to pay him for being an interim super, then good for him!

          1. Teacher/Admininistator pensions are based on years of service not on your age.

            1. Wrong – you can start collecting at 60…no matter how many years you worked. I know because my wife just gave her info to Trenton. Checks start next month.

        2. Finally someone who knows what they are talking about. Just check the records. Like the Ridgewood Quarters guy, Fishbein is laughing with the comforts of his side clippings.

      2. His decision like many people who “retire” then realize that they want to do something. Not any fault of current administration. Playing the blame game is just plain stupid. If the guy wanted to stay, he would have. It was his decision period.

        1. Fact Check 2:

          December 2020, Dr. Thomas Gorman, then principal of Ridgewood High school stepped in as INTERIM superintendent.

          March 2021, Gorman’s term coincided with the nation’s COVID epidemic, which dominated his time in office. Given the circumstance, formally appointed to the position of superintendent of schools-which lasted less than a year.

          Early 2022: Gorman resigns to become superintendent of Montville Schools, for a smaller school district and more money. The Montville hiring process and screening was lengthy. We now know that for most of Gorman’s time as Superintendent, he was being considered and going through the screening/ hiring process at Montville.

          Again, clearly Dani has nothing to do with Gorman resigning. Stop the political hack job.

      3. Fact Check: Fishbein abandoned ship (RESIGNED) in the middle of a pandemic after records revealed he was involved in questionable contracts. Just take a quick look at the Turf Vendor files. Originally, Fishbein said he was retiring. Then later decided to work elsewhere. Retirement isn’t for everyone. Don’t blame Dani.

  3. NJEA is looking to loot Ridgewood

  4. NJEA is looking to get their hands on your children

  5. A smear campaign organized by the same folks who promoted One Village One Vote.

    1. Who is One Village One Vote?
      Siobhan Crann Winograd
      Robert (Bob) Fuhrman
      Constance (Stacey) Loscalzo
      Matthew Lindenberg
      Deborah Steinbaum

      The money that will be wasted due to litigation will be expensive and not required if they had not pulled this ridiculous scheme.

      1. Furman is the incompetent treasurer for Micale campaign. He did not even file the reports on time.

        Loscalzo is the one who spearheaded the rally against the two POC and her husband sent our emails to Fishbein with racial undertones (made public by this blog three years ago).

        Winograd needs no introduction. She doesn’t know the Faulkner Act and keeps interfering in the village business, where she is not really supposed to (or allowed to) interact directly with the employees. She is not hired to RUN the village. She is hired to oversee and set policies.

        1. And someone else gets blamed for this level of complete deciept and/or imcompetence. Go figure!

    2. no doubt and that leads right back to the teachers union candidates who know Dani is a strong candidate for 1 of 2 slots.

  6. Ridgewood Bigots at out to get Dani and Kwak

  7. brought to you by the same people who scammed you into giving up your vote for the school budget

  8. The one village one vote candidate, Micale, had the audacity to say that the election is being politicized! When OVOV moved the election to November illegally – that was politicization. When they got NJEA involved in the election – that was politicization!

    1. Anyone who is aligned with the one and only biggest liar in Ridgewood, Winograd, is not going to get my vote. Micale pops onto the scene and already has her pistols cocked and is ready to come in hot. I don’t think many people are impressed but you never know as there are a lot of stupic people in Ridgewood unfortunately.

      1. she is all for the union w full control of ur kids. parents need to zip it and listen to the teachers. recall as hsa pres she had the unconscious bias presentation presented to parents to let them know that every one is a bigot

  9. Our village has improved significantly without Fishbein, Bisig, and Polstra. Why should Dani have to explain removing them at all?

    1. the former business manager sounded like a penny stock scammer when she addressed the public

  10. yes the the colored folks should do as they are told

  11. Superintendents can function and they do function very well as long they have majority support. If Fishbein was only worried about Kwak and Dani, he still had majority support with the other three.
    Then why did he rally his administrators union against only Dani and Kwak? What was different in those two? He could have just ignored their questions and carry on!
    Did he have something to hide with district finances?

  12. Dani is always prepared and tells the truth. Certain people are trying to present him in an unfavorable light in hopes he will lose the election. Please, think about your vote and don’t fall for the scandalously wrong ideas being put forward by individuals who do not want a competent watchdog seeing what they want to get by with. Please, vote for Dani, the man who tells the truth.

  13. As long as RW swamp is against Dani & Kwak it tells me they are the right ppl for the job. They have my family votes.

  14. People are always threatened by someone who is smarter than they are. If this is a popularity contest and not based on ability, then they will vote those other jokers in (Micale, Julie M, parental rights and book banners). Logical minds who want the right thing done in Ridgewood already know Dani is the best.

  15. Dani – prepared, intelligent, honest, hard working, for families, students, and community

  16. So, if one person retires after long service and a new person has been happily working at the education center for over a year, is the union calling it “unprecedented turnover”?

    They have that department listed there too! THAT my friends damages the union reputation, and refutes their entire claim.

  17. Dani has my vote….not voting for any of the others.

  18. You know, I’ve been paying attention for the past 25 years to the Board of Education meetings. We think the wrong people are running things at the board of Ed. They are running this operation like a business. And it is not a business. There’s so much corruption and Board of Education. It’s a shame. It’s amazing how they can outsource Certain departments, and make bullshit positions at the top. It’s just one big scam, and the taxpayers are paying for it.

  19. Is Dani a nice guy? Not so much. However, he is prepared and diligent and along with Kwak they are by far the smartest people in the room. I don’t really like him, but I will vote for him.

  20. VOTE FOR DANI! Ridgewood needs to wake up. No one else running has the integrity, intelligence or courage to get our schools back to being recognized with the National Blue Ribbon School Award of Excellence by the United States Department of Education.

    1. So why send daughter #2 to Bergen Academies?

      Sorry but you can’t have it both ways.

      1. Any real parent would put their kids first

      2. Choosing RHS over Bergen County Academies (BCA) is like turning down a free ride at Harvard to go to Community College.

        BCA is ranked Best Public High School in New Jersey and top 10 Best Public Schools in America. Every year, around 1,600 students apply to BCA and only around 15% are accepted and it’s free. Whatever Dani did with his children to reach such academic excellence, RW children and community should be so lucky to tap into that. He has a proven record on the Board and at home with his own family.

      3. “So why send daughter #2 to Bergen Academies?”

        Precisely because Bergen Academies is superior to Ridgewood High School (and every other high school in this state, and most in the country).

  21. Did anyone notice that TapInto owned by Jason DeAlessi, Paul Vagianos friend and Facebook page administrator (allegedly), is doing a feature piece on the BOE candidates and just so happens to have Mary Micale up first, then Laura McKenna up second. Not too much favoritism in this fair village.

  22. Fishbein and Gorman left because they got tired of the BS from the Board Members. Plain and simple. Fitz was on board for a year and then came Mark. So for arguement sake, lets say 4 Supers IN 5 YEARS!!! That is an insane turnover!!! During that time, 2 HR Directors. No big Deal. 4 Business Administrators… Kelly, Bisig, Davenport (A temp BA and a waste), Rosado (A temp BA because Davenport was a waste) and now Kot. God only knows how long Kot will last. I’d say no more than 2 years by looking at her previous experiences, which doesn’t say much. What did Mark see in her? Besides a lot of hair…..

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