August 9,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, According to Ridgewood School District was ranked 15th in the state of New Jersey out of 237 districts.’s does an annual ranking based on test scores, college data ,ratings and information from the U.S. Department of Education.
Niche is a website that helps you discover the schools and neighborhoods that are right for you. We rigorously analyze dozens of public data sets and millions of reviews to produce comprehensive rankings, report cards, and profiles for K-12 Schools, Colleges, and Places to Live. Every month, millions of families use Niche to research public and private K-12 schools.
The Niche 2018 K-12 Rankings are based on rigorous analysis of academic and student life data from the U.S. Department of Education along with test scores, college data, and ratings collected from millions of Niche users. Because we have the most comprehensive data in the industry, we’re able to provide a more comprehensive suite of rankings across all school types.
Families from every corner of America and every background use Niche to research schools, so our rankings are intended to be useful to a wide range of families and filterable by type and location. Our rankings strive to reflect the entire school experience, including academics, teachers, diversity, student life, and student outcomes. We also believe that each school is so much more than just one ranking number. That’s why we have in-depth profiles on each school and district and also assess them across a number of factors to produce annual graded Report Cards for each school and district. This year, nearly 100,000 schools and districts received a Niche ranking and 2018 Report Card.
Niche gave Ridgewood an overall grade of A+, receiving high marks for college prep, academics and sports.
Ridgewood teachers also scored 13th best in the state and Ridgewood scored a 39th best in places to teach in.
All Ridgewood Schools received an A grade with three schools, Ridgewood High School, Hawes Elementary School and Orchard Elementary School, receiving an outstanding A+.
If only had we paid our teachers more!
I propose an immediate 25% pay hike. That should definitely improve the school’s ranking and make us #5 at least. Right?