Ridgewood school officials say state mandates are a burden
Monday January 20, 2014, 12:02 PM
The Ridgewood News
The Ridgewood school district is backing two resolutions in a fight against state mandates that officials say are placing a burden on Ridgewood.
Both resolutions are being sent to various state legislators and New Jersey education groups for review.
The Board of Education (BOE) noted in one of the documents, which were approved last week, that “based on the history of high test scores achieved in Ridgewood Public Schools, these new mandates are unnecessary to the district to provide a thorough and efficient education system, a fact making these unfunded mandates particularly onerous to Ridgewood Public Schools.”
– See more at: https://www.northjersey.com/news/241158431_Ridgewood_school_officials_say_state_mandates_are_a_burden.html#sthash.YjXJ6XNd.dpuf
They’re absolutely right and residents should direct their ire to the state legislators.
Core is Federal, some call it a Federal program to dumb down ever more our childern
Some legislators have to go back to school.
School board always whining in Ridgewood. They want nobody saying anything about what they do. Get real.
The core standards are pretty tough. Look at the website. I know that all of our kids are geniuses but the new test would be harder than the NJASK and scores would be lower.
I think that Ridgewood does a good job and does not need to be subjected to this burden. We do not need a new set of standards and tests.
the core standards are crap.