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Ridgewood Teen Selected as Humane Education Contest Winner

Save a Baby, Save a Species

July 12,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), theHumane Education Network (HEN) and the Palo Alto Humane Society officially announced today the winners of the 2017 A Voice for Animals contest. The annual contest provides high school students aged 14-18 with the opportunity to win monetary awards for essay, video, or photography submissions advocating against animal cruelty and for prevention of animal suffering.

“We are proud to announce the winners of the 2017 A Voice for Animals contest,” said Regina Terlau, executive assistant at AWI. “Through the contest, we aim to inspire youth to raise awareness about animals in need through a creative medium. We received a lot of phenomenal submissions from students addressing mistreatment of an animal species, prevention of an animal’s extinction, or solutions to reduce animal suffering. The chosen student submissions truly embody the mission of the contest and we congratulate the students selected.”

Ridgewood teen Myriam Burger won a first place prize in the 2017 A Voice for Animals contest for her video entry, “Save a Baby, Save a Species.” Her entry, which earned her a $650 prize, describes her school fundraiser to sponsor an elephant.


The winners of the 2017 A Voice for Animals contest include:

  • Myriam Burger of Ridgewood, New Jersey, who won $650 for her video, “Save a Baby, Save a Species.” Her video, which describes her school fundraiser to sponsor an elephant, earned first place in the “Video” category.



  • Lisa Wang of Toronto, Canada, who won $500 for her video, “The Buzz About Bees.” Her submission, which brought awareness to the importance of pollinators and described her involvement with pollinator conservation, earned second prize in the “Video” category.


  • Naomi Chongsiriwatana of Los Angeles, California, who won $450for her essay, “When the Powerful are Crushed.” Her submission, which educates readers on the mistreatment of captive elephants and exposes the truth of Thailand’s most popular tourism activity, earned her first prize in the “Essay” category.


  • Olivia Banks of Nottingham, Maryland, who won $350 for her essay,“Cozy Condos for Feral Felines.” Her submission, which examines feral cat population issues and “trap, neuter and release” programs, earned her first prize in the “Essay/Photography” category.


“Every year, we are impressed and encouraged by the commitment that young people show to animal issues through their submissions,” said Jenness Hobart, chair of the board at the Humane Education Network. “We are already looking forward to next year’s entries and continuing to foster students’ interest in showing respect and caring for animals.”


For more information on the A Voice for Animals contest and this year’s winners, visit


2 thoughts on “Ridgewood Teen Selected as Humane Education Contest Winner

  1. Animals are people too.

  2. Congratulations Myriam!!

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