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Ridgewood Water- Fixed Meter Rate Increase

ridgewood water bill

file photo of old bill

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, “Our goal at Ridgewood Water is to provide customers with safe, continuous, and dependable drinking water. As part of our customer commitment, we want to tell you about a change to your current/upcoming bill.”

Effective first quarter 2019, the Facilities Charge that is a portion of your water bill, will increase as approved by the Village of Ridgewood Council (Ordinance #3637) on June 28, 2018. The Facilities Charge is a fixed quarterly fee that helps fund the cost for maintaining our treatment and delivery systems, meter installations, meter reading and billing. This charge is based on the size of the meter installed at the property and does not vary with consumption. No changes have been made to the rates on water usage.

Approximately 92 percent of customers use a 5/8″ meter and are likely to see an average increase of about 6% in their current total annual bill.

  • If you don’t know your meter size, click HERE to see where you can find it on your invoice.
  • To see the full table of new meter rates, click HERE.

Ridgewood Water’s last meter fixed rate increase was in 2014. Since then, Ridgewood Water has invested $25 million in infrastructure improvements.

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