the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Please STOP ALL LAWN WATERING and turn off your automatic sprinklers until the end of the week.
Water storage tank levels are at a critically low level. Any lower, and fire protection systems will be in jeopardy and a boil water advisory may need to be issued.
Avoid Stage III restrictions, or more severe consequences, by not watering your lawn this week.
This is Rich Calbi, the Director of Ridgewood Water with an urgent message on water conservation. Stage III Water restrictions are imminent. Please stop all lawn watering and turn off your automatic sprinkler systems for the remainder of the week. Water Storage Tank Levels are at a critically low level. Any lower and fire protection systems are in Jeopardy and a boil water advisory may need to be issued. Help us avoid Stage III restrictions or more severe consequences and stop watering now until restrictions are lifted.
This applies to entire Ridgewood Water service area, Glen Rock, Midland Park , Wyckoff and Ridgewood.
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So we are in a water emergency in a year when rainfall is at least 25% ABOVE average according to NOAA. https://www.weather.gov/marfc/NJPrecipitationYTD
Someone explain this to me like I’m 7 year old.
Grow up
If excessive usage the storage tanks are unable to supply water as fast as it is being used. No one wants the tanks in their neighborhood which causes “fixing” the problem very difficult..
Has nothing to do with the amount of rain year to date, this week is the first time watering of lawn was really needed, and is seems people took the sprinklers in their own hands causing the emergency (or Sir Calbi anticipated unusually high consumption so called the emergency)
tanks can be buried in the higher elevations
A recurring theme at Ridgewood Water. No other water company in New Jersey is so inept.
The new office space looks nice!
When are they going to get their act together?
Bozo the Clown in charge.
The true definition of a Mickey Mouse operation/Ridgewood Water does it again!
First they came for the blowers … well, they can pry my sprinklers from my cold dead hands!
This is a continuing, long-term problem/issue that urgently needs a solution. It needs to be fixed.
What we don’t need is a new Schedler ball field, or ownership of an obsolete auto repair garage, and all the nonsense associated with them.
This Village needs to have its priorities set, and this is one of them.
For a class A village to have a water emergency the FIRST hot day of the year is embarrassing and unnecessary.
obsolete auto repair garage,
Was historically garage alley where cars were fixed dropped off in
Morninngs then commuters took
Train to city then picked up repaired car
that evening one car per family
So we can only water our lawns 2x a week and now not at all.
Reduce my taxes
All of these disasters being faced by the incumbents will make this year‘s municipal election season very interesting to say the least!
Maybe 100’s of apartments should not have been built in town.
Pound sand
Hmm Army Core of Engineers talking about floods last night, today pls conserve water.
Convert all lawns to turf!
The Ridgewood Water Department is an absolute JOKE of an operation!
This is the same department that asks its customers to literally have a smart irrigation controller recertified EVERY YEAR! What on earth does this actually accomplish?!?
At least they no longer ask us to have the recertification form notarized by a notary public!
Which employee came up with this process? Fire this person immediately and get them off the taxpayers’ dime!
What a disgrace
Artificial turf fields are the top priority.