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Ridgewood’s first street sign?

Ridgewood's first street sign?

March 8,2018

by John Paquin first posted in Vintage Ridgewood Facebook Group

Ridgewood NJ,Ridgewood’s first street sign?! And Zabriskie- Schedler’s too of course! I love this for how it takes you back to the past, and show’s just how the church and it’s neighborhood, including Zabriskie- Schedler, really were such an important landmark, crossroad, and part of Ridgewood’s history. Recall the earlier drawing showing how W Saddle River connected with the other roads at the church? This is that spot, and that is actually the end of W Saddle River in the lower RH corner. This is a detail from a postcard of the church taken I believe some time in the 1870’s (Peggy Norris would know for sure!). You can see the crossroads sign (on a log!) pointing to Suffern to the north (via East Glen), Hackensack to the South (via Paramus rd). And of course, below, and illegible, is the sign leading to Zabriskie- Schedler, less than 200 hundred yards or a 2-minute walk over your shoulder and back down that road. The house would be about 50 years old, ands the tree already 100, at the time of this photo. Here’s the coolest thing: the 7.5 acres of Zabriskie- Schedler are virtually untouched since the time of this photo. If you want to take a stroll back to this time, take a stroll at Zabriskie- Schedler.

7 thoughts on “Ridgewood’s first street sign?

  1. Such great information Mr Paquin; is there some way to contact you other than Facebook? Although there has been much research on the house and property you have provided more gems!

  2. Im sure the first parking summons was written shortly after

  3. Although the date is probably closer to 1900, the road network was still the same. It’s amazing the details you can find when you examine photographs and postcards closely. I have never noticed this sign before. It shows the critical crossroads at the Paramus Church.

  4. There was a sundial by the Graydon sycamore that the Dutch used when they were parking their wagons in the CBD.

  5. 7:09… and old time residents protested against the ENORMOUS stable (I think they called it Stable-zilla) and blamed newcomers … The Lenapes weren’t happy either

  6. A laff a minute pesmith…you here all week?

  7. FWIW, it’s Suffern to the north via W. Saddle River Road. (E. Glen Ave. extends to the east.)

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