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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Suspends Independent Presidential Campaign, Endorses Donald Trump

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in a significant shakeup of the 2024 presidential race, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced on Friday that he is suspending his independent campaign for the White House and endorsing former President Donald Trump. The move, which has the potential to sway Kennedy’s supporters towards Trump, comes as a surprise late in the campaign season.

Kennedy made the announcement during an event in Phoenix, where he explained that his decision was based on internal polls showing that his presence in the race could harm Trump’s chances and benefit Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. Although public polls have not clearly indicated that Kennedy’s candidacy was having a major impact on the race, his endorsement of Trump could still influence key voter segments.

Kennedy cited concerns about free speech, the war in Ukraine, and what he described as “a war on our children” as reasons for his decision. He stated that these issues had driven him to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent, and they were now leading him to support Trump.

“These are the principal causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent, and now to throw my support to President Trump,” Kennedy said during his speech.

Following the announcement, Kennedy joined Trump onstage at a rally in Arizona, where the crowd greeted him with enthusiastic cheers of “Bobby!” Trump introduced Kennedy as “a man who has been an incredible champion for so many of these values that we all share,” highlighting their shared commitment to key issues.

While Kennedy did not formally end his presidential bid, he indicated that his supporters could continue to back him in states where their votes are unlikely to affect the outcome of the election. He has taken steps to withdraw his candidacy in battleground states such as Arizona and Pennsylvania, though officials in other states, including Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, have stated that it is too late for him to remove his name from the ballot.

Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump came after weeks of discussions between the two. Kennedy hinted at a possible future role in a Trump administration, though neither he nor Trump provided specific details. Nicole Shanahan, Kennedy’s running mate, recently suggested that Kennedy could serve as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services if Trump is re-elected.

The endorsement has generated a mix of reactions, including confusion and contradictions from Kennedy’s campaign team. Just before his Phoenix speech, a court filing in Pennsylvania incorrectly stated that Kennedy would endorse Trump, leading to further speculation. However, Kennedy eventually took the stage and made his endorsement official.

Trump praised Kennedy for raising “critical issues that have been too long ignored in this country,” and expressed confidence in their partnership, which he described as a “unity party” that would allow them to disagree on certain issues while working together on others.

Kennedy’s decision has created tensions within his family, with several relatives publicly condemning his endorsement of Trump. Five of his family members issued a statement calling his support for Trump “a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear.”

Despite the familial backlash, Kennedy expressed a sense of certainty in his decision, saying that it gave him “internal peace” even as it caused difficulties for his loved ones.

The Harris campaign responded by reaching out to Kennedy’s supporters, particularly those disillusioned with Trump, and emphasized their desire to earn their votes.

As the 2024 election approaches, the impact of Kennedy’s endorsement remains uncertain, but it has undoubtedly added a new layer of complexity to an already contentious race.


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34 thoughts on “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Suspends Independent Presidential Campaign, Endorses Donald Trump

  1. Let’s go Trump! Make Kennedy AG. Close the border and end the freebies to illegals. Continue the use of oil , coal and natural gas for power generation. Windmills and solar don’t work everywhere! Decrease the size of fed govt. and reduce the debt level! End the war talk with Russia and china.

    1. I’ll take Things That Will Absolutely Never Happen for $1,000, Alex.

    2. Eliminate the dept of education, doj and fbi

      1. Careful now, the last Kennedy that talked about getting rid of such things got a haircut.

        1. Which Kennedy, exactly, called for the elimination of the doj, FBI, and the dept of education?

          I’ll wait.

          1. From the NYT, April 24, 1966, CIA: Maker of Policy or Tool?:

            Kennedy’s Bitterness

            And President Kennedy, as the enormity of the Bay of Pigs disaster came home to him, said to one of the highest officials of his Administration that he wanted “to splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”


            See, also Kennedy’s speech from April 27, 1961 in which he discusses the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that has “conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly-knit, highly-efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.”


            Now you know.

    3. You left out bomb Iran.

  2. Kennedy is right about the democrats! Rush Limbaugh said years ago that the democrats want to do away with elections! That’s exactly what happened with the appointment of Kamala Harris! Wake up America!

    1. U know RFK jr was spot on the second abc, cbs, nbc, cnn and msnbc dropped coverage of his speech

    2. Whatever. Larry David introduced RFKJR to Cheryl Hines. What am I, Larry, chopped liver? Pox on you all. What a waste.

      1. She’s very nasally, isn’t she? To each his own.

  3. RFK looks like he’s been taken out, ridden hard, and put away wet.

    1. Drugs

  4. I really love an alliance between Trump and Kennedy. If Kennedy could take a role in a Trump administration about cleaning up the FDA it would be perfect. More tha learning about the misdeeds of the CIA I am more interested to securing clean food, water, pharmaceuticals and environment for my family. I really wanted nuclear energy to emerge again but I understand that Kennedy would be totally opposed to that. Regardless, Trump is way way way much better than the caricatures from the left that could really bring this country to an irreversible end.

    1. Eagle, are you soaring or just high? Moldy old adults still clamoring for saviors, folks. What is it? Too many Clint Eastwood movies? The lone gunman who saunters into town and takes out the local mafia one bullet at a time is not a reflection of real life, gramps. And don’t look to Jesus, he ain’t coming back either.

      Trump couldn’t stop the election being stolen from him. He couldn’t even stop Twitter from banning him. But he’s going to start bossing around entrenched governmental institutions that all move with their own momentum, by their own agendas, regardless of whatever vegetable sits in the Oval Office? Yeeeeeeeeeah, OK.

      If Trump tried to accomplish half of what you suggest, that CIA that you wantonly disregard would probably send a real assassin this time. Grow up.

  5. RFK wouldnt be confirmed by Congress for any position….not even White House janitor.

  6. RFK thinks he is getting back at Democrats because they wouldn’t let him on the ballot.

    Republicans can have him and all his lunacy. He does not bring many voters to the equation

  7. First of all, he is an idiot. Even his own family wants to disown him.

    You want to vote for a dictator because you actually think he is going to do the right thing for this country? Scary.

    Harris is great and will do the right thing and not flush us down the proverbial toilet. You want to know why leaders like Putin and the North Korean guy like Trump because they know they can easily con him because his ego will get in the way of clear thinking. We all know Biden wasn’t perfect and luckily stepped down But think really clearly if you are planning to vote Trump and just remeber that he is exactly like Vagianos putting his own interests into action and only talks about himself, me, me, me, I, I , I. He is childish and will rewrite history, create hate and divide this country and perhaps create a civil war. Remember January 6th.

    Also, let us remember what his now seemingly devoted VP candidate JD Vance had to say about the very man he wants to run with:

    In April of 2016, he wrote in the New York Times that Trump was “unfit for our nation’s highest office.”

    He went even further in a July 2016 opinion piece for The Atlantic, titled “An Opioid for the Masses,” Vance wrote of Trump’s big campaign promises, “He never offers details for how these plans will work, because he can’t. Trump’s promises are the needle in America’s collective vein … Trump is cultural heroin. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they’ll realize it.”

    “I’m a Never Trump guy,” Vance said in an interview with Charlie Rose in 2016, according to Politico. “I never liked him.”

    As Trump continued to campaign, Vance amped up the messaging, warning on NPR that Trump was “leading the white working class to a very dark place,” with campaign promises that ranged from “immoral to absurd” (as he wrote in USA Today).

    He wrote on Twitter (and has since deleted) posts that called Trump “reprehensible” and condemned him for fomenting fear and division. In another since-deleted Twitter post used against him by his senate race opponents, he wrote of Trump, “My god what an idiot.”

    Yeah politics suck, but at least people like Hyunju aren’t going to succumb to special interests-she doesn’t have to, whereas Vagianos, that is all he is about and whatever he can gain personally, popular favor which helps him as a business owner and real estate owner/landlord. Not objective at all.

    Think about it. These are actual facts. Vance said these things and now loves Trump!!!

    1. Totally agree.

    2. And I thought Eagle’s comment was stupid.

      Harris is great … and Biden wasn’t perfect.

      1. Why is Harris great

        1. She’s not a felon?

        2. Harris is running a campaign of JOY. She is a protector. And ummmm… reproductive freedom, democracy, forty acres and an abortion in every pot …

    3. JD Vance becomes a viral tik tok sensation based on his comments about Donald Trump, the guy he loves so much now!! You want this guy to be president someday? Not sure which one is scarier.

      1. Not to be outdone . . .

        Trumps comments on RFK, Jr.:
        BEFORE: “He is a radical left Dem,and always will be.” And “He’s radical left; RFK Jr. is radical left. Reminds me of this fly that’s driving me crazy up here. This fly is brutal. I don’t like flies,” ” He’s the dumbest member of the Kennedy Clan.”
        AFTER: “He’s a tremendous guy. I’ve always liked him…” “a man who has been an incredible champion for so many of these values that we all share.”

        RFKs comments on Trump:
        Before: “Sociopath” “terrible human being.” “filled his administration with swamp creatures” “promised to protect our rights and then torpedoed the Constitution,” “ran up the biggest debt” in U.S. history during his presidency.
        After: “common-sense guy,” “proud that president Trump likes me”


        1. That’s fine. People may not agree and hate each other under certain circumstances and then adjust their attitudes when higher interests are at stake. Diplomacy works this way but you are too brainwashed to consider this. You are worse than communists. You are blind with hate and are willing to annihilate the opponent if they do not submit to you.

          1. Actually you are missing the point. Ask Joe six pack why he is voting for Trump. I will be the answer isn’t the same as your answer. The rich will get richer the poor will get nothing, milk might be cheaper and everyone will listen to this idiot drone on like we did before. He is the great and powerful Oz. Oh and by the way, used to be a democrrat.

          2. So, i.e. what someone says and who they present themselves to be is merely a matter of expediency. Accepting that, on those grounds you could never support any candidate on the basis of campaign promises or even prior political history.

            And when higher interests dictate that your candidate align themself politically 180 degrees away from you, then what you are you going to do? Probably pretend you were always a fascist, or a commie, or a whatever, because, you know, higher interests, man. (Where “higher interests” translates to “my price.”)

  8. no one is going to listen to any of you , you idiots didn’t even notice Biden was senile

  9. so let me get this right, the democrats are trying to shut down free speech, arrest their political opponents, and are promoting a flamingly anti sematic philosophy as well as trying to cut you sons balls off behind your back , but Trump is a dictator ?

    1. The Democrats handpicked a presidential successor that was never popular with the people, and never, or ever could, win a primary. They create a phony background for her and then, in a twist not even Comma-la could see coming, stuff *her* down everyone else’s throats. She could never secure the party nomination organically. But those other guys are a threat to democracy? OK!

  10. you are just mad because Kennedy called the democrats out as commie dirt bags

  11. make BJ’s great again!

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