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Ron Simoncini previously linked to a Hoboken, Hudson County mess with some dubious mail-in ballots ?

Hudson County Machine Politics

May 3,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Progress Ridgewood? Ridgewood 2020? The Truth About Ridgewood Facebook page moderated by Ron Simoncini who was previously linked to a Hoboken, Hudson County mess with some dubious mail-in ballots. Google away using search terms Simoncini, Hoboken, mail in ballots, etcetera. Isn’t Mr. Simoncini the big time supporter behind the Weitz, Willet, Brooks ticket? Pay attention Ridgewood. Link here to one article but there’s more if you care to dig for The Truth. By the way Ridgewood had over 450 votes by mail for garage referendum in Nov. hmmm..–Rent-control-referendum-results-stand–and-shed-light-on-dubious-election-pastime–?instance=latest_story

11 thoughts on “Ron Simoncini previously linked to a Hoboken, Hudson County mess with some dubious mail-in ballots ?

  1. He is part of Progress Ridgewood, the group which hosted Brooks, Weitz and Willet yesterday at Park West.
    If elected, who will Brooks, Weitz and Willet represent? Ron or residents?

  2. Posted by Mr. Simoncini on his “Truth About Ridgewood” Facebook page:

    The Truth About Ridgewood: so they took down the page and canceled the sign-on name for their – they are so proud of their behavior. last laugh time: i am going to get the name from youtube. and i am going to embarrass the crap out of you — i think i know who you are already and i know you visit this page. have a nice night’s sleep, creep.

    The video in question was publicly available and somebody found it. You know you’ve won the argument when the other side resorts to threats and name calling when confronted with facts and logic. This has been the Council majority’s tactic for the last 4 years. Next step, portray yourself as the victim and blame the grass roots organizations for being divisive. Wait for it…..

    1. that one I missed , but he does seem like an angry man

  3. How divisive is it when ALL the grassroots groups endorse the same three candidates? Oh yes–divisive with the powers that be. Farewell, old powers; welcome, new powers.

  4. Ron simoncini is shitting his pants because he looks like the slithering low life he is. Go ahead and find out who posted a video on you tube you creep. No one is scared. You’re a patsy and a complete slime ball. He thought people wouldn’t find out? What amazes me is that he ever actually believed anyone liked him. His name has been attached to yucky stuff since the moment I ever heard it. REALLY odd really yucky stuff.

  5. Decades before my clients filed this Hoboken lawsuit, i learned that you end up being associated with everything anyone associated with your efforts does, even when their activity is unknown to you and beyond your control. so when everyone knows everything, which eventually everyone does, what sort of effort do you want to be associated with? the falsified petition campaign on the garage? the obfuscation on any number of issues that ended up being losers and costing the village hundreds of thousands of dollars and stopped progress? the personal character assassinations of people who introduced different policy perspectives than their neighbors? some of us stand up for what we believe in on its merits and we are not going to be cowed into silence by personal attacks that have nothing to do with these issues and strip all the dignity out of this process. some of us are going to try to preserve a forum for healthy debate.

  6. The falsified petition campaign on the garage – – – -NO, it was the falsified referendum vote last November when voters were duped into thinking that a yes vote was simply for parking, not for a gargantuan garage.

  7. You are the company you keep Mr. Simoncini. You hang out with lowlife and guess what, you are lowlife!

  8. Mr. Simoncini. At the ‘healthy debate’ venue at the Village Hall, you have shown up multiple times, telling the council members “Stop listening to anyone who is my oponent, and just listen to me”.

  9. “I’m right, and you know it” – Mario Cuomo

  10. He’s the guy that would sit in the town meetings and Google each resident on his laptop when they gave their name and address. Creepy.

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