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Rooney/Bramnick E-Z Pass bill protecting commuters from being overcharged using bridges and tunnels into New York wins committee approval


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  Thebridges and tunnels into New Yorkadvanced legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney and Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick that protects New Jersey’s E-Z Pass customers from being overcharged when using bridges and tunnels into New York.

The legislation is in response to an AAA study that found drivers who purchased E-Z Pass tags from out of state agencies are being charged the cash rate instead of the discount rate at New York bridges and tunnels operated by the Metropolitan Transit Authority. Between 2012 and 2016, of the 92 million out-of-towners who didn’t receive the discount rate, 70 million were New Jersey drivers.

“One of the primary reasons E-Z Pass was created was to offer drivers discounted rates, but we know certain drivers are being given preferential treatment only because their E-Z Pass was issued by a New York agency,” said Rooney (R-Bergen). “This bill is an effort to level the playing field for our commuters and ensure the integrity of the E-Z Pass system.”

The bill (A1002) directs the New Jersey Turnpike Authority to update its website to warn New Jersey E-Z Pass customers that discounts at out-of-state toll facilities may not be applicable to New Jersey E-Z Pass customers.

“Millions of New Jersey drivers are being unfairly penalized,” said Bramnick (R-Union). “EZ-Pass discounted rates should apply equally to all drivers regardless of where they purchased their pass.”

4 thoughts on “Rooney/Bramnick E-Z Pass bill protecting commuters from being overcharged using bridges and tunnels into New York wins committee approval

  1. NJ Ez pass is a scam. My personal experience (I have ny account take was issued before nj had the ezpass ). My account has always been in good standing, automatic credit card reimbursement, etc. I have 4 current tags. I put a tag in my newly obtained vehicle with out of state plates while it was here for a month. The garden state parkway toll in wash twps said “tag not read”. To avoid issues, that plate was added to the account 15 minutes later. I received a violation notice (despite meeting all the criteria for NOT being a violation) demanding 1.50 toll and $50 administration fee. I replied as requested online, on the phone, and using their automated system 11 times. They kept sending their lying bs notice. I finally had the last clerk on the phone admit that “their new system was having problems “. I paid the 1.50 toll with a credit card, and made it clear if she tried to ding me the 50 I would dispute the charge and suggest that the local us attorney investigate their practices. Apparently that is how NJ tries to strong arm payments that ate NOT due from unsuspecting motorists who think they may have a registration revoked (it’s not possible ). NJ EZ pass is a corrupt organization (based on my personal experience) and should be investigated. If it was a private company the executives would be indicted for mail fraud wire fraud and corruption for extorting money from motorists that is not due.

  2. I frequently travel to NYC and the boroughs and it’s a little more than irritating when I get an $8.50 toll charge at the Brooklyn Battery while if I had a NY E-Z Pass, I’d be charged about 5.75. Same with Triboro, Throgs Neck, etc.

  3. I may be the last holdout in the state but I have never trusted that system or wished to have my movements traced (despite a total absence of illegal behavior) and refrained, always paying tolls in cash. (No, I am not a commuter.) Over the years I have heard more tales of woe about the difficulty of having unfair overcharges (some large) removed than I can count, reinforcing my resistance to buying into a lousy system and paying for it. (Ask your ten best friends whether they know that they have paid every month all these years for the privilege of having their movements tracked. They can find it on the bill, which they probably don’t look at.) Now the Parkway has declared that it’s ripping out the machines that accept quarters on its main route. I will find whatever lane gives receipts (very few, I gather) and head for it if I can.

  4. New Jersey E-ZPass fees can feel like the death of a thousand cuts to a driver’s wallet. Jersey drivers pay E-ZPass fees, which total $18 a year, even if they aren’t charged a single toll.

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