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Route 17 North and South Were closed on Sunday due to a motor vehicle crash in Upper Saddle River

upper saddle River NJ route 17

photo courtesy of the Borough of Upper Saddle River

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River NJ, Early Sunday Route 17 North and South are closed due to a motor vehicle crash with wires across the highway.  The Borough of Upper Saddle River posted a note o their Facebook page saying,” Power line down on Rt 17 north as cars enter Upper Saddle River .Please avoid the area.Route 17 North and South are closed due to a motor vehicle crash with wires across the highway. Please plan an alternate rout” Upper Saddle River police and fire were on the scene .

Utility companies joined  the scene working to get the roadway reopened and the power restored. Sometime after  12:15 pm North and South 17 were finally is opened. Sources on scene said a Minivan took out a utility pole .

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