Rudy Giuliani on What to Blame for NYPD Deaths: ‘4 Months of Propaganda, Starting With the President’
By Jennifer Van Laar (31 mins ago) | Culture, Headlines, Nation, Politics
Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani appeared on this week’s Fox News Sunday, lambasting leaders who have “embraced” anti-police protesters. This atmosphere, he believes, directly led to Saturday’s murders of two NYPD officers.
“We’ve had four months of propaganda, starting with the president, that everybody should hate the police. I don’t care how you want to describe it, that’s what those protests are all about. The protests are being embraced; the protests are being encouraged.
Even the ones that don’t lead to violence…all lead to a conclusion that police is bad, police are racist, that is completely wrong.”
One rallying cry of the protesters has been “Black Lives Matter.” Giuliani agrees, and points out the people he believes are responsible for helping that community.
“Actually, the people who do the most for the black community in America are the police–New York City and elsewhere. They are the ones–not the Al Sharptons–they are the ones who are putting their lives on the line to save black children.”
President Obama acknowledged in his statement condemning the NYPD murders that it’s time to reject words that harm and, instead, look for ways to heal.
Heck — I thought it was this Blog again.
Nice to see a prominent public figure who is willing to say plainly that which should be said, and said plainly, because it is the truth, plain and simple. The fact that such an event is so rare nowadays means that it truly is the exception that proves the rule, the rule being: politicians and other non-officeholding members of the ruling elite tell the truth either by mistake (otherwise known as ‘committing a gaffe’), or when they are so ding-dang proud of the trick they just played on the American People that they can’t help but brag to their friends about it (otherwise known as ‘pulling a gruber’).