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Rush Limbaugh Suggests Voter Fraud May Be Only Reason Democrats Stay in Power


850 New York voters were apparently alive when Abe Lincoln was president 

Rush Limbaugh Suggests Voter Fraud May Be Only Reason Democrats Stay in Power

October 23,2014
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Rush Limbaugh believes that Democrats aren’t as popular as they might seem, so why they keep holding power struck him as confusing. But in reaction to a report about possible voter fraud in Cook County, Limbaugh suspected that––voter fraud––must be a big reason for them continuing to win.

Limbaugh makes a good point ,cited polls, as well as less-than-impressive book sales for Hillary Clinton and Andrew Cuomo‘s recent books, to say Democrats aren’t as popular as the media might build them up to be. Of the left in general, Limbaugh said, “They don’t have any audience on their cable news shows. They’re not these rock star, popular, admirable figures that people run around emulating and wish they were like.”

And to him, for some Democrats to be doing well in their elections so far “doesn’t make any sense.” And while he didn’t directly blame voter fraud in every case for Democrats holding power, Limbaugh did say 1) “that kind of stuff is happening all over the country, I’m convinced of it,” and 2) “I’m really starting to be curious about the degree, the amount of voter fraud taking place out there.”

And he may have a point according to the NY Post , 850 New York voters were apparently alive when Abe Lincoln was president .A single Bronx voter listed in official records as being 164 years old led Board of Elections officials to review their files — where they turned up another 849 New Yorkers who were supposedly alive when Abe Lincoln was president.The stunning discovery came after The Post reported last week that the birth date of Luz Pabellon, a spry 73-year-old who has been living and voting in The Bronx since the 1970s, was recorded as Jan. 1, 1850.This week, a search of the records in all five boroughs found 849 more voters with the same wacky birth date.

James O’Keefe went undercover in Colorado to reveal just how easy it will be to commit voter fraud with their new mail-in ballot system:

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas investigators went inside Organizing for America headquarters in Houston, Texas, and captured footage of paid campaign workers and other volunteers conspiring to commit election fraud not in 1 or 2 states, but in five different states. The video above speaks for itself. But there is much, much more.

In March Colorado Sec. of State: 12,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote; 5,000 Voted in 2010

and the list goes on…..

But according Donna Brazile: ‘Voter fraud is a big ass lie’…. really ???

4 thoughts on “Rush Limbaugh Suggests Voter Fraud May Be Only Reason Democrats Stay in Power

  1. You have to show ID to pick a certified mail at the post office.
    You have to show ID to drink.
    You have to show several items of ID to get your drivers license.
    You have to show ID to get on a plane
    You have to show ID to cash a check.

    No ID to Vote.

  2. #2 is spot on

  3. And show an ID to drop dead ? Now how can you do that ?

  4. Dom just call Rev. Al he will help you through the doorway. You don’t have to show him and ID

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