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Same Old, Same Old Democrat Attacks on Jack Ciattarelli

Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli3

Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein

The most recent attack by the NJ Democrat Committee on New Jersey’s next Governor, Jack Ciattarelli, reads like the same-old chicken-little sky-is-falling caricature of every GOP opponent they have ever faced.  Jack is anti-science they say because he believes in the philosophical exemption from vaccines that exists in some shape or form in every state (at least until Covid-19). Jack is anti-gay they scream because he is against the out of touch sex “education” Democrats have pushed into every public school which mandates teaching middle school children about anal sex and the controversial notion that they can change their biology.

These, they state, “makes all our kids less safe,” not the neutering of the police the Democrats have pursued as a policy across the state. Not the fact that cops are less likely to stop kids for smoking or drinking, nor do they search the bags of minors caught with drugs or alcohol for more drugs or alcohol for fear of legal prosecution. Rather, according to the Democrats, the danger New Jerseyans should cower from is Jack’s desire to see public education focus on getting New Jersey’s children up to the reading and math standards they have fallen behind due to prolonged school shutdowns.

From education reform to lowering taxes Jack Ciattarelli has been campaigning on commonsense. New Jerseyans across the state in reliably Democrat strongholds – rich suburbs and economically challenged urban area alike, have been listening. It’s the consistent drop in Governor feckless Phil Murphy’s poll numbers and Ciattarelli’s growing momentum that has partisan Democrat loyalists, Democrat machine politicians (and their political retainers), and the hard left extremists who are the grassroots activist base of the Democrat Party worried. They are now attempting to throw whatever they think will stick against the wall.

The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner, they can’t back down from the policy of using Trans and sex “education” as a vehicle to further their extremist agenda, but they have also met stiff resistance to their efforts in school board meetings across the state. Instead of examining the policy, Democrats have gone on the attack and what better way is there to do so than by accusing the leading opponent of their insanity of bigotry?

From accusing those against Antifa riots of being racist to condemning those against anal “education” for children as young as 11 as anti-gay, the Democrats are practicing the disgusting ancient art of least common denominator politics cross pollinated with the old strawman argument. This mix and match attack is as sophomoric as it is a transparent attempt to duck the issues. The fact remains that no one running for Governor of New Jersey is homophobic, neither are they against science. 

Rather, the Democrats are attempting to distract from the fact that with prolonged closures and a “hybrid” and online education most parents correctly believe failed, they have left New Jersey’s public-school children behind. Only one gubernatorial candidate has any policy proposals to empower parents and build better schools – that’s Jack Ciattarelli.

The Democrats pretend otherwise, but New Jerseyans are smart enough to know that every state has philosophical exemptions for medical procedures (for example Jehovah Witnesses and blood transfusions). Only one candidate, Jack Ciattarelli, recognizes the inherent natural rights of every individual to decide what goes into their body and what belief system they choose for themselves.

Driven by desperation, the Democrats efforts to distract New Jerseyans by crying bigotry every time they can’t answer policy questions will fail. New Jerseyans don’t want another term of a governor who murdered hundreds of thousands of jobs, decreased the standard of living, and increased the cost of living. Fortunately, New Jersey has one candidate with the commonsense plans and policy knowledge to generate jobs, raise living standards across the state, and to lower the cost of living for all – that candidate is Jack Ciattarelli.

2 thoughts on “Same Old, Same Old Democrat Attacks on Jack Ciattarelli

  1. To be fair, the dems don’t have to do much, the guys so incompetent he practically attacks himself. No way the republicans are gonna pull themselves up by their bootstraps with this clown…

  2. this guy is a 1000 times better then our killer , corrupt, clueless governor. Murphy has got to go, he’s the horse tooth Clown !! BTW I’m a domocrat

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