the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the upcoming appointment of a Student Representative to the Ridgewood Board of Education for the school year 2023-2024 prompts The Ridgewood Blog to question the current selection/appointment process (or lack thereof). That is, does a documented selection process for these prestigious appointments exist, or does someone in authority just get to pick/appoint whomever they want to?
There are three persons of color who were elected to, and are currently serving on, Ridgewood’s Board of Education, yet no member of The Ridgewood Blog’s staff can recall there being an individual of color who served as Student Representative to the Board within the last 5-10 years. Have persons of color been unfairly excluded from being considered/appointed? And what about students who identify as LGBTQ? Could the possibility exist that they are unfairly being excluded from the selection/appointment process also?
In conjunction with the appointment of the 2023-2024 school year Student Representative to the Board, we think it’s appropriate for the new Schools Superintendent to conduct a complete review of the current selection/appointment process (if one exists), and report his findings/recommendations back to the elected Board members for their consideration and input.
I’ve always wondered about how this assignment is made.
Could not have said it better. Thanks James.
Disabled students should also be considered.
When did the Blog go woke? Lol
Former grad here. Here’s the process. Students see flyer and hear announcements for application. Can’t remember what specifically it asks for, and then submit for review and a decision. Usually this position does not get much traction in terms of application numbers as it is not well known to students. Also it is fair to say that the demographics of RHS imply that statistically this student is most likely white. One student is chosen per year, therefore the odds for the last few student reps to be a person of color are slim, statistics.
Everything is rigged with the school system appointments. 90% if the teachers that get appointmented are some other teachers relatives or their friends from another district where they previously worked!
The BS wokeness is finally penetrating this blog. It was a matter a time. Nothing can withstand the power of $$$.
Regardless, I have a question: What is the added value of this type of “inclusivity”? Are people of color or lgbtsxyz supposed to have some extra wisdom that the others lack? What national politics have shown, it is completely the opposite. If you can provide some facts that support your argument I will become your advocate. Give me FACTS and not propaganda BS.
Ridgewood schools has always played favorites , the kid who’s parents made the biggest donatioon got all the benefits ,
sports programs too…unreal how relationships play a role in making a team and getting time on the field.
Softball is on the top of the list.
It’s a public school. What donations are we talking about?
what wrong with creating a standard ? that does not sound woke to me just to opposite
yes even liberal Ridgewood bigots need to tow the line
is there an actual application process
Try to slow the BOE’s roll on this or that issue constituting an “educational ” sacred cow.
Your child will be put on the short (but probably now growing) list of young people who will NEVER be considered for appointment as student representative to the Ridgewood Board of Education.
Well speaking from experience here, since my daughter served in 2022, there is an application and interview process that includes several administrators and the current rep. My daughter earned her position as did the person she recommended to succeed her.
Your daughter was great. However, it has become abundantly clear that there is not an open solicitation for candidates. Some who have wanted to be considered were told nope, sorry, the position has been filled. Also, don’t you see what you are revealing? Your daughter recommended her replacement. This is not an open process.
So, a white girl recommended another white girl and that white girl was appointed to to position? Hmm. Some people just don’t get it.
Racist Much?
My daughter said an email was sent around to all students about applying, but I don’t really know how she found out about the opportunity. Whatever happened, she found it herself, and maybe that’s part of the process. High School is supposed to prepare students for the future…seeking out opportunities is a big part of that. Targeting people based on race or other divisions is not.
Huh? Your daughter said an email went around but you don’t know how she learned about it? You make no sense.
Who are these three elected board members of Color? Why is rave relevant? Like the woke culture they just like to stir the pot.
Pay attention much??? Saurabh Dani, HyunJu KwK, Mohammed Mahmoud.
All Racist BS.
Why not be inclusive by Body type, height, hair color, occupation, RW neighborhood, parents home town, net worth, lot size, number of siblings, etc, etc, etc.
Diversity and Inclusion is just a RACIST code phrase to mask that the left does not think certain individuals can qualify based on merit.
There is a problem with the suggestion that LGBTQ or whatever have no voice.
The students should vote for their voice, period. I do not feel it is appropriate to interject this hot button into the mix. Race, color, creed, gender should not be the determining factor.
The voice of the students should be all that is needed.
Best Regards,
I’d wager James is just being a wise guy on this one… 🫤
there’s no way to pose a question like that without knowing it will cause a never-ending, enormous and most probably very bitter argument.
James – review the student read back in your days at RHS? You probably would’ve had a unique talent to stir up some trouble…😂
Yet again, you are wrong.
We are talking about a child here… You should be ashamed of yourself. The girl who was chosen has applied to the board before and was the best candidate. She is also a female and jewish, but those don’t count as minorities anymore I guess. I have been told that ALL of the candidates for the spot ALL received nice board placements of THEIR choices. This is just a ridiculous attempt to say that there is some issue that does not exist.