the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Middletown NJ, New Jersey state Senate candidate David Winkler Starts Governor Murphy Recall Process. David Winkler is a highly decorated Combat Veteran of both the US Marine Corps and the US Army for 14 years. David is formerly the Chief Executive Officer of a National 501(C)3 Veterans nonprofit organization called Wings for Warriors which has helped thousands of Veterans Nationwide. David cares about protecting the American Dream and her people. David is dedicated to fighting for all Americans and his district, and will be the people’s champion on Capitol Hill.
In a press release Winkler said:
“My Campaign has started the recall process to remove Gov Murphy from office after Murphy tapped on his Attorney General to attack more small businesses for defying his unconstitutional state emergency orders. I am a Combat Veteran who has seen tyranny in the middle east & I am not afraid to stand & fight against those who oppress the people. My oath to protect & defend the Constitution & the American people never expires & our people are suffering under Gov Murphy’s reign.
I have watched Gov Murphy abuse his power on multiple occasions since last March to include his recent attack on Rep. Matt Gaetz & the NYC Young Republicans in Jersey City. This behavior will not be tolerated especially after Sen. Sacco held a Democrat Mayors Ball on Oct 23rd, 2020 with no social distancing, little to no masks inside, & were well over capacity limits. Then Governor murphy abused his power again by ordering the Jersey City Police to carry out a politically motivated investigation on the night of the Gala. I have seen this kind of behavior before by extremist dictator’s who use police as attack dogs to carry out tyranny. The police must stop carrying out unlawful orders & uphold their oaths to protect & serve the people not political parties.
The attacks on small businesses must end & we must re open New Jersey now. 1/3 of our businesses have gone under & we are rapidly approaching 2/3 of businesses that may never return. We have many families on the verge of eviction, families who are starving, many who have lost their careers, & more. These leaders must understand that they are accountable to the people & We The People are tired of those who are in politics for money, power, & greed. I’m calling on all Republicans to sign the recall & demand that Gov Murphy Re-open New Jersey Now.
De Oppresso Liber is the Green Beret motto meaning “To free the oppressed,” & we must save the Garden State from total economic collapse. The solutions must not be worse than the virus itself & I must stand up & fight for the future of our Garden State.”
I like it…
Dumb ass he is just trying to keep people safe and get out of this nightmare we are all in
he is not doing a very good job of it
Thank you for what you are doing! May God Bless you as you go forward with this.
These draconian measures are having irreversible catastrophic effects farb
worse.than the virus with a .4 fatality rate 99.6 recover yet we created a social economic “holocaust” get “Herr Murphy” Out!!
Murphy has an approval rating of 62% and NJ just finished voting for Biden by 16 percentage points. Good luck!
we are stupid enough to vote Murphy back into office in a landslide.
Murphy has destroyed our state !! Taken away our freedom!! He should have been recalled already . Thank you
Murphy’s “Do as I say, not as I do” attitude shouldn’t be acceptable or tolerated! Get him out! You have our support Mr. Winkler!
Please send me the petition to sign. I will distribute to the Edison Twonship & Middlesex County GOP represnetatives.
Thank you,
Sherie Woody