the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Sheila Brogan Just got a one year extension to her original term using legal maneuvers
Ridgewood board of education member Sheila Brogan has been serving on the BOE for over 20 years and is probably the biggest reason for current state of high taxes in Ridgewood.
She was supposed to be on the ballot this year (Nov 2020), but she used taxpayer money to file a lawsuit in 2018 and got her term extended by 6 months to April 2021. Then she signed the One Vote petition and campaigned for the one vote with some of the school principals and other boe employees. The passing of one vote petition now extends her term on BOE by another 6-8 months and she will be up for re-election in Nov 2021.
In summary, by using tax payer money and legal maneuvers, she extended her term from 3 years to 4 years. This by the way is not the first time she extended her term. Her term was extended by 6-8 months in 2014 too when she voted to move the election from April to November.
She won’t go away…
Sheila – thank you for your commitment to the children of Ridgewood and their great education.
Despicable. She is really a piece of work
Sheila “I am the BOE” Brogan
Rather than criticize, you can run. Commit to the children of Ridgewood. See if you can handle 20 plus years.
Thank you for your service, Shelia. Thank you for balancing out the crazy and naive, Kwak and Dani, and the not-so-smart but very nice Mike the Cop.
You have no idea the service that Sheila has done for the children of Ridgewood. Countless hours of volunteer work, and not just for the BOE. I have known Sheila for over 30 years and to just blame her for the taxes is asinine.
When you find out the ‘side benefits’ she gets, you will stop admiring “handle 20 years”. Just wait and watch. Its coming out soon.
Hard to believe but I guess we need Term Limits for BoE members..
Side bennies is frickin right.
You think she’s putting up with the Ridgewood assholes
and not coping a dime on the backend? GTFOH.
Are you really that stupid?
Are you saying that she filed a lawsuit to stay in office?
Kwak got the same extension. Just sayin!
@20 years of free service @min wage that’s $624k she has waived. Thank you Shelia. People aren’t perfect but it seems a lot of people are ungrateful.
No, kwak got six months. Sheila through legal tricks on tax payer dime got one year.
So Kwak got 6 month “on the taxpayers dime”. It’s just a matter of when she was originally elected. It’s not legal trickery – it’s the law.
Correction, brogan stands to get an extra year and a half added to what is supposed to be a three year term. The board voted to move the school elections from April to November starting in 2013. That added approximately 6 months to her term. Then the Village Council moved the school elections back to April as of the 2019 elections which would have, in effect, put her back on track for serving her three year term with no extension. But the BOE sued to stop the April 2019 trustee elections thus giving brogan an additional 6 months. So at the law suit afforded brogan a full year added to her term. If the school elections are moved back to November as a result of the recent vote, that would be the third time her term was extended by six months.
Board members should serve their term, if they have a 3 or 1 year term, the timing of elections should have no effect on their term. If a 9 member board has 8 (an uneven number), who cares, the Supreme Court managed.
Go away already. You’re not a good person.
Higher taxes, and the Ridgewood School system has disappeared from charts of Best High Schools! What are we paying for? Not that Shiela is directly to blame for the poor teaching system, but she is certainly culpable. New blood please, I would love to see term limits, especially when one uses the system in the way she won. Why are borderline ethics acceptable?