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Study Finds One-third of New Jerseyans’ daily fluid intake is made up of caffeine and alcohol

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  • Half consider themselves to be ‘booze fit’.
  • 1 in 3 deem alcohol and coffee as essential purchases in their weekly shops.
  • The average drinker spends a fairly substantial $947 per year on hangover comfort food and coffees.
  • Interactive map.

Ridgewood NJ, the Bada Bing, Joe’s and Starbucks – with over 120,00 bars and coffee shops in America alone, it’s fair to say we love a drink, whether it contains booze or caffeine. And according to a recent study commissioned by, millions of us are fueling the workday with coffees, and taking the edge off in the evenings with a nightcap.

Indeed, the survey of 4,000 respondents found that 32% of the average New Jerseyan’s daily fluid intake is made up of booze and caffeine (this compares to a national average of 30%). Perhaps this isn’t surprising – while alcohol has embedded itself in American culture since the beginning of the republic, in recent years coffee culture has been on the rise too – in cities like Phoenix and Austin, almost half of all drinking establishments are now coffee shops. Most gyms now have their own coffee bars whereby gym goers are just as likely to drink an espresso post-workout than drink a health juice.

While numerous studies have revealed the health benefits of coffee, and others argue that alcoholic drinks such as wine can be good for the body, a diet lacking in sufficient water can lead to headaches, fatigue, dull skin, weight gain and sluggish bowel function. After all, humans are made up of approximately 80% water! Moreover, consuming too much caffeine has been linked to anxiety, and dehydration.

Infographic showing the % alcohol and caffeine consumption across America (click on ’embed’ to host on your site)

The study revealed other statistics when it comes to New Jerseyans’ love affair with uppers and downers…

Almost half (48%) of respondents consider themselves ‘booze fit’ – we’ve all met those people who ‘work hard and play hard’ and seemingly without any noticeable repercussions. They appear unfazed by hangovers despite having just a few hours’ sleep before having to wake up early the following morning to resume daily life duties, fueled by caffeine. 1 in 10 drinkers who consume alcohol regularly also believe that an increased alcohol tolerance strengthens their body, which may explain why so many consider themselves ‘booze fit.’

47% of those who work long hours said having an alcoholic drink at the end of the day helps them relax and take the edge off after a difficult day.

Our love of booze is so profound that the average drinker is content gaining 13 pounds in order to continue consuming their favorite alcoholic beverages. This is about the equivalent of permanently carrying around 208 slices of bacon in your body!

Over one in three (37%) say they deem alcohol and coffee as essential purchases in their weekly shops.  Moreover, the average drinker spends a fairly substantial $947 per year on hangover comfort food and coffees. That’s a lot of pizzas and lattes!

While all alcohol can lead to a plethora of health problems, too much caffeine can also lead to anxiety and dehydration. The people at have provided 5 alternative options to regular coffees and energy drinks for anyone looking for a more natural lift, and explained their benefits:

1. Tetracitrene, is a non-hemp-derived cannabinoid and naturally occurring compound made from citrus peels that provide a quick burst of focus, which kicks in within just 20-30 minutes. It also provides sustainable energy, sharpens concentration, and plays a role in appetite control to promote weight loss.

2. Mushroom coffee, using 100% pure, high-quality, and organic mushroom extracts is scientifically proven to yield important health benefits. Mushroom coffees contain no grains or starch fillers, just pure cordyceps mushrooms, which offer important health benefits like improved function, better cardiovascular health, and higher physical performance.

3. Electrolyte drinks are a great alternative to caffeine –  they hydrate the body and directly provide nutrients like sodium, potassium, glucose, and B vitamins to your bloodstream. Sugar-free electrolytes contain essential vitamins, provide faster hydration than drinking water alone, and significantly boosts energy levels.

4. Ashwagandha (also known as ‘winter cherry’) combined with black pepper can help relieve stress-related anxiety, promote thyroid health, and foster mental well-being. Ashwagandha is an ayurvedic adaptogen rich in compounds called alkaloids that can help calm the brain, sharpen cognition, promote thyroid health, lower blood pressure, and strengthen the immune system

5. Chicory root can be roasted, ground and brewed like traditional coffee beans. Aside from tasting similar to coffee, it is free of caffeine and is a good source of inulin, which helps digestion and supports a healthy gut.

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