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Teaneck municipal court administrator accused of stealing money, arrested



The township’s municipal court administrator, who had been placed on administrative leave in October, has been accused of stealing more than $500 from the municipal court, police said Tuesday. Mary Diduch, The Record Read more

10 thoughts on “Teaneck municipal court administrator accused of stealing money, arrested

  1. Lesson to be learned from this – Municipal governments shoud not accept cash for anything except overdue library fines (under a specified dollar amount) and in parking meters (with proper controls in place, of course). Personal checks, business checks, electronic fund transfers, credit cards, debit cards, or PayPal only.

  2. A much better way for municipal government administrators to steal money is to funnel construction projects to their buddies…

  3. nice hear we go.

  4. She could do better in the village and get no jail.

  5. huh yeahhhhhhhhh,

  6. people can you think of the shit that was going on in the 60,s 70,s and 80,s when it was all done with paper and pen,

  7. Only $500? Chump change. Come to Ridgewood!

  8. yeah coin boy rico would of shown u how to do it, he did that and some in a day, RIGHT ,

  9. thats what they say, the top dog’s screw up big time on him.

  10. How about all the people she worked under and the ones she supervised? What did they have to put up with to work with her

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