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The conduct of the National Park Service over the last week might be the biggest scandal of the Obama administration

photo by Mike P

The conduct of the National Park Service over the last week might be the biggest scandal of the Obama administration
Advance Editorial From Our Forthcoming 10/21-10/28 Issue

Oct 21, 2013, Vol. 19, No. 07 • By JONATHAN V. LAST

We are a nation that has a government—not the other way around.”
—Ronald Reagan

The conduct of the National Park Service over the last week might be the biggest scandal of the Obama administration. This is an expansive claim, of course. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS, the NSA, the HHS mandate—this is an administration that has not lacked for appalling abuses of power. And we still have three years to go.

Even so, consider the actions of the National Park Service since the government shutdown began. People first noticed what the NPS was up to when the World War II Memorial on the National Mall was “closed.” Just to be clear, the memorial is an open plaza. There is nothing to operate. Sometimes there might be a ranger standing around. But he’s not collecting tickets or opening gates. Putting up barricades and posting guards to “close” the World War II Memorial takes more resources and manpower than “keeping it open.”

5 thoughts on “The conduct of the National Park Service over the last week might be the biggest scandal of the Obama administration

  1. Are there federal employees there supervising the “National Park” ? If so whether many or few…. shutting down the Government, requires decisions to be made.
    Some of those employees are former veterans and will be in need of their salaries.

  2. Absolutely not. The biggest scandal is not giving death benefits to families to those killed in Afghanistan. Despicable

  3. It is the job of the US congress to pass a budget not the president of the US. It is a constitutional requirement

  4. #3

    Tell the senate that. They have defeated many House budgets. The president in complicit in the Democrat-controlled senate’s intransigence

  5. the biggest scandal is having a president actively waging war against his own citizens

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