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The New Jersey Wind Symphony will kick off the Summer Season with a Free Concert at Overpeck Park in Leonia

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photo courtesy of The New Jersey Wind Symphony

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Leonia NJ, the Ridgewood based  New Jersey Wind Symphony will kick off the Summer Season with a free concert at Overpeck Park. Dr. Chris Wilhjelm, community leaders, and musicians founded the Ridgewood Concert Band (RCB) in 1983 with the idea of providing high quality performing venues for the many accomplished wind and percussion players living in the New York Metropolitan area. On July 1, 2017, the Ridgewood Concert Band formally changed its name to the New Jersey Wind Symphony to better reflect the identity of the organization.

The New Jersey Wind Symphony is actively engaged with area schools, offering opportunities for talented school musicians to perform with the band. In 2006, the band launched a scholarship program that reaches a large network of high schools in the region, inviting musicians who plan to seek a career in music to compete for scholarship funds. Winners showcase their talent as a featured soloist with the band. The competition and concert is one of the highlights of each season.


Friday, July 8, 2022
Overpeck County Park
40 Fort Lee Rd, Leonia, NJ

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