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The Number of World Leaders who are Admitting they Mishandled the Pandemic Continues to Grow, You’re Next Governor Murphy

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton  NJ, as we approach the third anniversary of COVID, the number of world leaders who are admitting they mishandled the pandemic continues to grow.

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Rishi Sunak, Britain’s prime minister, told the Spectator magazine last September that former Prime Minister Boris Johnson had wholly adopted “the fear narrative” and ignored the cost of lockdowns on health, civil liberties, and the economy: “The script was: oh, there’s no trade-off, because doing this for our health is good for the economy,” Sunak admitted.

Now Karl Lauterbach, a doctor who is the German health minister and who was the most prominent proponent of lockdowns in his country, concedes that many of the measures were “idiocy.” He says school closures were “a big mistake,” even though at the time he called for a suspension of schooling for at least a year.

We now have three full years of evidence that the lockdowns of businesses, stores, restaurants, churches, and schools had a minuscule impact on saving lives. The chart below updated through February 2023 shows that there was almost no difference in death rates in lockdown states versus states that remained open. (Of course, the non-lockdown states did much better economically and academically.)  Amazingly, states with no lockdowns had LOWER death rates per capita than states with strict lockdowns.

But mark our words: more health and climate change lockdowns are coming our way from the same gang that lectures us about “following the science.” No word yet if Governor Murphy is ready to admit his policies contributed to massive nursing home deaths ?


4 thoughts on “The Number of World Leaders who are Admitting they Mishandled the Pandemic Continues to Grow, You’re Next Governor Murphy

  1. C’mon now. He doesn’t care.

  2. Dictator. go back to goldman sachs

    1. Has anyone found anything to indicate how he was thought of when he was at GS?

      1. commie (more than just a limo liberal)

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