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The Ridgewood Board of Education is Seeking Qualified Candidates to Fill Vacant Board Seat


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Board of Education is seeking qualified candidates to fill a seat on the Ridgewood Board of Education that will be vacant as of July 30, 2019. The vacancy was created by the resignation of Board member Christina Krauss.

The Board member term will run from the expected date of appointment in September to the April 21, 2020 Annual School Election.

Interested residents may pick up an application packet in the Office of the Board Secretary at the Education Center, 49 Cottage Place. The application may also be downloaded from the Ridgewood Public Schools website at Applications are due to the Office of the Board Secretary by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3, 2019. The Board will review all applications and interview legally qualified candidates at the Regular Public Meeting on Monday, September 9 at 5 p.m.

The Board of Education, within the powers delegated to it by law, serves the children of Ridgewood as the policy-making legislative branch of the School District. The Board’s responsibilities are to monitor student achievement; set district policies and goals; provide financial oversight; approve Human Resources recommendations and hire and evaluate the superintendent; and serve as the communications link between the community and the school district.

To become a member of a local Board of Education in New Jersey, an applicant must be able to read and write; hold U.S. citizenship and one year’s residency in the school district; be registered to vote in the district before filing the nominating petition; have no interest in any contract with, or claim against, the board; not hold office as mayor or member of the municipal governing body; not simultaneously hold two elective offices; not be disqualified from membership for the conviction of certain crimes.

For more information, please contact Antoinette Kelly, Board Secretary, at 201-670-2700, ext. 10503, or

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