the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, ReImagine: RPL Community Conversations
Please join us for a presentation and conversations about plans to reimagine the Ridgewood Public Library.
Please sign up online for your preferred dates at
Can’t make any meetings?
All resident questions and suggestions are welcome. Please send to
I don’t want to “reimagine” the library. The physical structure is fine. They possibly should remodel some rooms. Only is it is totally paid for with donations.
They cite statistics on visitors. I would like to know how many are residents who visit regularly and how many residents do not visit at all? How many are from other towns?
I visited when my kids were young. In the past 10 years I probably visited 10 times – maybe. I have access to an academic institution’s library. I buy books for my Kindle.
The library is reimagining their Mission. It is not books anymore and that is fine. But who are they looking to serve? They have tutors renting space and a small number of HS students who spend time there (didn’t the HS library just get a redo?). We don’t need event space, there are private venues and school auditoriums.
A library board member on Facebook seemed to think that if we do not attend their dog and pony show we should not comment. I think that if they are not filling a valid need of Ridgewood residents they should stop “reimagining”.
They need a parking garage.
Talk to us about the future of the library.
State your concerns.
Express your desire to to curtail or halt any grandiose expansion plans.
Remind us of our obligation to not spend money on the library unless it is absolutely necessary.
Come to multiple meetings.
Send us petitions with thousands of signatures.
Make your voice heard.
Talk to us.
Let us know.
Haha the third post is the best. Right on point
The Two upstairs and ground floor bathrooms need gut renovations
remind the architects to provide small stainless steel shelves to park rest your borrowed books while using the facilities and sinks . the shelves need to be at least 8 inches deep and support 3 heavy books
The stalls should also have narrower slots attached to the stall doors to hold 2 books standing up and a small garment hook.
I’ll send my invoice for consulting on what a library users who is there every week.
upgrade the employee lounge and give them a raise they do a great job
Yep. The third post correctly sums it up.