August 22, 2015
The Valley Hospital’s awareness and registry campaigns educated staff, patients, visitors, and community members on the critical need for organ, eye, and tissue donors and thereby increased the number of potential donors on the state’s donor registry.
“Organ donation is such an important issue,” said Bettyann Kempin, Assistant Vice President for Medical and Surgical Services at Valley. “We’re proud to partner with the NJ Sharing Network to be a part of this national campaign to increase awareness about the importance of organ donation.”
Of the 1,856 hospitals and transplants centers enrolled in the campaign, 736 were awarded gold, silver or bronze recognition for effort to promote organ donation during Phase IV of the campaign, between August 1, 2014 and April 30, 2015.
Hmm, so what has the Valley done for us lately?
And they could have done the same thing in Paramus, Mahwah, etc.
They do good work – that doesn’t give them a right to build whatever they want, wherever they want.
Valley President and Board should donate their hearts to the needy (us, because of them).
Rurik, Any word from Valley on how they might start paying what they really owe Ridgewood ? Screw the awards.
It is a persons “personal choice/preference” to indicate if they wish to be an organ donor, or if they do not wish to make an anatomical gift, explicity prepared in an Advance Directive for Health Care which is supposed to be honored by the hospital and NJ Sharing Network.
NJ Government enacted legislation Requiring hosiptals, doctors, nurses, medical schools, to enact protocols/ instructions for Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs).
With OPOs this law, upon a persons death, even stillborn or fetus death, hospitals are to follow this laws protocols, immediate determinations are Required by law and decided by hospital staff, if a deceased organs, tissues, eyes, bones, skin, would be suitable as a donor/or not, they are Required to notify the NJ Sharing Network with all the deceased’s medical information, if organ suitability/or not, with name, address, all protected medical info, that information is networked to organ procurement organizations/eye banks, third parties out-of-state. This law requires it, even before verifying with family members.
The Sharing Network or procurement bank is to notify, call the family to verify if they wish/or not/ to make organ donate of their just deceased loved one. Meanwhile,the deceased body is in ‘holding pattern’ in the morque, won’t be released to funeral home, until verification with the family is made re organ donation/or not. The hospital doesn’t necessarily refer to the persons legal prepared choice of Advance Directive for Health Care for donor/or not options choices on file.
“”The HIPAA Privacy Rule Section §164.512 (h) allows hospitals to disclose protected health information to organ procurement organizations (OPOs) or other entities engaged in the procurement, banking or transplantation of cadaveric organs, eyes or tissues. OPOs are specifically permitted to perform their core function, with stringent confidentiality, but outside the scope of HIPAA. No additional consent, authorization or opportunity to agree or object is required.””
Further information, direct links,
Rurik, So they got an award for (essentially) doing their job a little better than most. Once again does nothing for Ridgewood. Pretty hungry for good PR.