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There is Still Time to Sign Up for the Sixth Annual Citizens Fire Academy

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photos courtesy of Glen Rock Fire department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, the Fair Lawn Fire Department and Glen Rock Fire Department are pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for our Sixth Annual Citizens Fire Academy. The six-week evening class will start on Tuesday October 1st and will give participants a chance to see what being a firefighter is all about. The class is open to all Fair Lawn and Glen Rock residents ages 18 and older. Participants are expected to attend all the sessions.

If you have ever wondered what it is like to be a firefighter or perhaps you are thinking of joining the fire department, well then, this class if for you!

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This class will give the participants an opportunity to experience what it is like to be a volunteer firefighter. Students will be issued fire gear and perform many of the tasks that firefighters experience including handling hose lines, entering a smoke-filled environment, and using extrication equipment all in safe and controlled environment. This is a hands-on class so participants must be able to exert themselves with a moderate level of physical activity.

There is a limited number of students that can participate and not everyone will be accepted. There is no charge for this class.

To apply, please fill out the online application found at:…/1FAIpQLSfuUKkJLry…/viewform…

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to message us here or email us at


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