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Barack Obama denies ‘ever ordering surveillance on any US citizen’ following bombshell accusations he tapped Donald Trump’s phone during US presidential election

Trump claims ‘sick’ ex-president involved in surveillance during heated election campaign

By Brittany Vonow, Mark Hodge and Patrick Knox
4th March 2017, 8:06 pm

Updated: 4th March 2017, 10:44 pm

DONALD Trump’s allegation that his predecessor ordered his phone to be tapped is “simply false”, Barack Obama’s spokesman says.

In an astonishing salvo of early morning tweets, the firebrand President claimed his predecessor had bugged his phones during the “very sacred election process”, slamming the allegations as a “Nixon/Watergate” scandal.

13 thoughts on “‘THIS IS WATERGATE’

  1. The wire tap story was invented by a right wing podcaster. And like every other lie, it is shared by like minded web sites.

    The scandal that will bring down trump is his financial ties to Russia and Russia’s hacking of the 2016 election. It will never go away until he resigns or is removed from office.

    Why do any Americans want a Russian president? I am not thrilled with the idea of President Pence, but I believe that he is an honest man.

  2. Donald, let it go for godsakes….

  3. Trump is just plain nuts.

  4. Levin said it – with no proof. Breitbart quoted and others shared.

    Still does not make it true. This is as true as the sex trafficking ring in a pizza parlor.

  5. Will be odd to see the former President suing his successor for libel and slander. Brietbart just wrote about a what right wing nut job podcast said without facts. And now the Ridgewood Blog picks up on this? If a warrant to tap Trump Tower was issued, we can only assume the DoJ (not Obama) had reasonable cause to suspect foreign involvement enough that tapping the lines was in the interest of national security. If Trump wants to open that can of worms, he’d better be ready to go down on this scandal depending on whether or not national security was compromised. Za vas!

  6. Pence would be a disaster. The already questionable division between church and state that the founding fathers were adamant about would disappear. As for this latest lie, it’s important for Trump to distract the populace now, when he is wading into traitor territory regarding links to Russia.

  7. Nixon’s Fault

  8. Watching the news. Clapper said there was no court order. There is no evidence of a criminal wiretap.

    If his conversation was recorded then he was talking to a Russian agent. Otherwise it is time for him to tweet his mistake.

    1. you mean the “weapons of mass destruction ” guy?

  9. You will all be eating crow when it is proved true…

  10. Trump makes things up because he wants attention to turn from his disaster of an administration.

    Last week blogs were comparing trump Russia connections to Watergate. Now trump made up a story and is comparing it to Watergate. So original.

    He can’t make up enough stories to distract from his total failure.

  11. You progressive liberals will never get over Hilary’s loss…
    These wire tapping allegations will be proven true and the Trump administration will shrink government and get out of the way of the private sector.
    This will lead to the greatest economic boom in our history and to 20-30 years of Republican control of government.
    Mark my words.

  12. Where are the facts about Trump ties to Russia you liars? How about Obama’s and Clinton’s ties which are factual. You are terrible people who do not care about anything, not even your own country when it comes to defending your fixations and your crazy ideology. But I have to be realistic. Your epidemic is so widespread that Trump has no chance to survive. Even his own congressmen and senators hate him. He is calling for them to get out of their comfort zone and they won’t do it. But hey I said he would never win the elections and he did. Maybe another miracle can happen.

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