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Time for Murphy to sign tax relief on Jersey Shore rentals


photo courtesy of ArtChick Photography

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Seaside Heights NJ,  Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick called on Gov. Phil Murphy to sign legislation fixing a 2018 law that inadvertently taxed owners of summer rentals.  The bill (A4814) has been sitting on his desk since June 27.

“Quick action is needed to save what remains of the summer vacation season,” said Bramnick (R-Union).  “Every day that passes with this tax still in place is less income for families to spend while on vacation at the Shore.”

Both houses of the Legislature unanimously passed the bill in June.  It exempts homeowners who rent directly to vacationers from last year’s Airbnb tax, which extended the 6.625 percent sales tax and the 5 percent hotel and motel occupancy fee to private rentals of less than 90 days.

With only five weeks left until Labor Day, Assemblyman Kevin Rooney urged Gov. Phil Murphy today to immediately sign legislation exempting homeowners from taxes on short-term rentals if they do not use online marketplaces like Airbnb.

“When you tack on 12 percent to the price of renting a shore house for a week, that will ruin a vacation,” said Rooney (R-Bergen).  “Families will look to Delaware or some other places where you get much more for your money next year if we don’t get this fixed.”

Both houses of the Legislature unanimously passed the bill in June. It exempts homeowners who rent directly to vacationers from last year’s Airbnb tax, which extended the 6.625 percent sales tax and the 5 percent hotel and motel occupancy fee to private rentals of less than 90 days.

The bill (A4814), which Rooney co-sponsors, has been sitting on Murphy’s desk since June 27.

2 thoughts on “Time for Murphy to sign tax relief on Jersey Shore rentals

  1. “Inadvertently taxed owners”
    WTF is that supposed to mean?
    Oh, we’re screwing you by accident?

  2. How was this done “inadvertently”? Sounds like a copout.

    Terrible idea to overtax the owners of shore rentals at a time when not everybody is feeling flush, despite what it may say in the papers.

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