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UPDATE : Time for New Jersey to Start Laying off School Teachers and other Nonessential State and Municipal Employees


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood  NJ, time to start laying public school teachers and other non essential state workers, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has made the decision to keep New Jersey’s schools closed for at least four more weeks.

The extended closure will be in effect until May 15 at the latest, and the decision comes as the coronavirus pandemic has killed thousands in the state.  The current lock down is not only stopping people from working but also from spending money .

New Jersey’s tax revenues are “falling off the cliff,” Gov. Phil Murphy said at a Wednesday press briefing on the coronavirus pandemic.But it’s not yet clear exactly how far they’ve plunged.The state Department of Treasury released a new monthly revenue update Wednesday that, while a report on March revenues, actually is a reflection of February activity.

In another ominous sign for the New Jersey Pension Funds, Trenton, revenue for the state lottery for the nine months ended March 31 was $707.8 million, down 12.1% from the $805.3 million year-ago period, according to the state Department of the Treasury

The pension fund relies on the lottery for about $1 billion a year to help cover annual state contributions, most of which come from general revenues. A lottery shortfall would put extra pressure on the state to make its promised payments.

The state made its full $684 million quarterly contribution to the pension fund on March 31. The state’s commitment to the pension fund for the current fiscal year is $3.75 billion, which includes proceeds from the state lottery. The New Jersey Pension Fund had assets of $74.2 billion as of Feb. 29, according to the latest available data.

Other states and counties  as starting to feel the pinch, Gov. Cuomo faces a growing budget mess as officials projected a shocking $6.1 billion hole in the state’s finances next year.The figure was provided by the state Division of Budget in its mid-year budget report, which was released weeks after its legally mandated due date.

New York, Westchester County Executive George Latimer said the loss of sales tax and property tax revenues will take between $90 million and $160 million from the county’s $2.1 billion budget. Other nearby counties are in similar shape, he added. “We’re going to need the federal government to be there in a significant way,” he said, “unless we intend to see a collapse of the New York metropolitan area economy.”

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio outlined to what he is calling a “wartime” budget which he says will result in more than $2 billion in cuts and relies heavily on the city’s rainy day fund. Speaking from City Hall, the mayor says the city is on track to lose $7.4 billion in tax revenue, which he described as a “horrifying figure”.

Once again the Ridgewood blog will ask were does tax money come from if no one is working?

45 thoughts on “UPDATE : Time for New Jersey to Start Laying off School Teachers and other Nonessential State and Municipal Employees

  1. Teachers and other school staff are working very hard, in addition to balancing their own family needs. Having that connection with their teacher and classmates is also very important for the emotional well-being of children right now. Laying off school employees is not the answer.

  2. Office staff? Every department has office staff that should go part time

    All the aides have been laid off – I hope

  3. YEAH.
    Teachers are HEROS.
    They are the MOST IMPORTANT people in society.
    The truth is that there is EPIC whining going on amongst teachers since they are, for the first time, actually putting in full days and dealing with an avalance of constant emails and texts and calls from their “clients” (aka students and parents) on an unfiltered and uncontrolled basis. This is the reality for most everyone else in the non-education workplace. Teachers are used to structured days and controlled access to manage their “clients”. Now that they are getting a taste of everyone else’s daily work experience, they cannot handle it and are whining and complaining about how unfair and hard it is.
    …but not to worry teachers, it will all be over soon and you will still have the summer off.

  4. Just relax everyone. This will pass in another few weeks. They are talking about having school programs during the summer which will help.

  5. To the ignoramus individual who is talking trash about teachers you should only have to work in their place for one day. You would never make it. Parents are getting to appreciate their children’s teachers and have commented on how underpaid and unappreciated these people are. They come out of college in Debt pay for their own teaching supplies and have to be babysitters, physiologist and walk on egg shells as not to offend parents whose kids are disrespectful and basically don’t give a damn. I don’t think teachers should be let go I think the government should get rid of senators, congressmen and higher up officals who sit in their asses and make more money and do absolutely nothing. Take away their paychecks that would put lots of money back into the states.

  6. Yeah James you are a pile of shit while you are sitting home on your stupid computer the dpw and teachers still have to work get a real job you piece of crap. LOSER

  7. Hey James you are a loser

  8. Hey James you are a complete pile of crap. The teachers are working harder than ever as are the municipal employees while you sit behind your computer and your to much of a cowered to even leave your house drop dead you low life

  9. Summer classes Jersey Schools have no AC

  10. Hey James you pile of shit you are scum and don’t even deserve to live I am a first responder and my wife is a teacher you low life. You have the balls to write your stupid ass story about teachers and municipal workers.why don’t you take your shit out on other people you pile of shit. What happened scum bag have not gotten laid in a while you loser. I pray that when you need a first responder or any municipal worker I hope no one comes to your aid you loser. By the way I hope your sewer line collapses and all your shit lines back up asshole. What’s the matter not making jack shit with your stupid ass blogs get a life u pussy

  11. I happen to be a Newark teacher. I, along with my colleagues, never complain about our families contacting us. We welcome it. You criticize. However, do you know that we work every evening after school, as we as creating our plans every weekend for the following week? How dare you criticize! Spemd one week in a classroom and then make your comments. I’m sure they will be different. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU WHO CRITICIZE YOUR CHILDREN’S TEACHERS, especially at a time like this.

    1. schools are closed

  12. “To the ignoramus individual who is talking trash about teachers you should only have to work in their place for one day. You would never make it. Parents are getting to appreciate their children’s teachers and have commented on how underpaid and unappreciated these people are. They come out of college in Debt pay for their own teaching supplies and have to be babysitters, physiologist and walk on egg shells as not to offend parents whose kids are disrespectful and basically don’t give a damn. I don’t think teachers should be let go I think the government should get rid of senators, congressmen and higher up officals who sit in their asses and make more money and do absolutely nothing. Take away their paychecks that would put lots of money back into the states.”
    so said the self-important whining teachers union rep.
    You are getting a tiny, tiny taste of what a real job is like and you can’t handle it.
    I see many many teachers every day and I know of what I speak.

  13. Try being a high voltage lineman who is responsible for keeping everyone’s lights on. Not only is our job extremely dangerous from the electrical exposure, All above ground transmission lines are on average 75-150 feet in the air, Teachers have an absolute racquet in NJ!!! I’ll trade with any of them any day! Stop your wining!

  14. cannot wait till these idiots figure out that if people don’t work , no taxes are collected to pay their pensions …wow are people really this dumb?

  15. Teachers at this point are teaching virtually. So it’s obviously he was not thinking. My wife and daughter are teachers so I get it. The way everyone is attacking this guy I hope the teachers you are defending do not act out this when they disagee with staff and faculty or the children anonymously.

  16. online learning does not require the staff or the budget , time to get serious or risk losing your pensions

  17. Aside from a very small percentage of teachers who work for the state, the vast majority of teachers are employed by local boards of education which means the state can’t lay them off. Aside from this, teachers are still working so there should be no question of laying them off.

  18. Perhaps James was referring to the gym teachers & art teachers that arent currently teaching. All the regular subject / grade teachers are working harder now because of the new virtual methods they need to adjust to.

  19. I didn’t write this. But I believe it 100% and stand behind it. Don’t listen to anyone that has no idea what being a teacher means to us parents.

    Hey teachers, I just wanted to let you know that however these next weeks go down – it’s all good. We’re on your team. This wasn’t what you signed up for, and I sort of can’t believe you’re actually going to attempt do this. Your life is about to become one giant conference call with two dozen nine-year-olds who have no set bedtime, and are hopped up on Captain Crunch, Pop-Tarts and whatever their parents have been stress-baking for the past 12 days. What could possibly go wrong?

    In light of this, our family is giving you blanket permission to do this however the hell you want for the next two months.

    Your kid wants to sit on your lap while you teach long division? That’s great.
    Need to stress eat half a bag of Chips or box of cookies while you’re trying to explain how to calculate Experimental Error? Go for it.
    Feel like having morning meeting in your pajamas – all month long? It’s a judgement free zone here. Lord knows that’s what I’ll be wearing until at least noon.

    Having a panic attack because you need to check in on your parents and wanna point that Zoom camera at three straight episodes of Myth Busters for a Science assignment? Excellent plan.
    Want to just sit there and ask them how their days were for 40 minutes without mentioning a single thing about MLA formatting? Please God do that.

    See, I don’t care if you teach my kids one more thing this semester, and this is why: Just by showing up, by checking in, by caring enough to do this freaking IMPOSSIBLE job – you’ve already taught them the only things I really wanted them to get out of school.

    You’ve taught them that people are flexible – they adapt to new things.

    You’ve taught them that people will show up for them even when it’s hard.

    You’ve taught them that communities work together for the greater good.

    You’ve taught them the world is a good place. That even when circumstance are scary, people are good.

    You’ve loved them enough to be there – and that’s all any of us can do, is love each other through this.

    I’ve got six at home right now – the littles both 10, the middle schooler and three High schoolers. I don’t care which kid of mine you’re working with, all three need those lessons reinforced right now.

    Our kids will be ok. Take care of yourselves too. We love you. You’ve got this – and if you don’t, I’m not telling.

  20. Hey James you loser go get on a plane and fly your ass to wuhan u pussy

  21. hey chris your wife know you gay?

  22. you realize that 10% of the entire population of NJ – and 1/5 of every participant in the state’s labor force – is a public sector employee or retiree right?

    If you want to talk about what makes sense or not, that is government overreaching and does not make sense… it’s defrauding taxpayers. Call it the “deep state” if that’s more palatable for you to consume.

    Thankfully these pension & healthcare pigs will run out of money shortly as NJ state pension assets are $70bn versus >$10billion per year in defined benefit pension checks and PAYGO “platinum” healthcare. Your union buddies pigged out with their “bad faith” CBA negotiations and excessive benefits like early retirement after 25 years on a full defined benefit pension, platinum health plans and $5 Drug co-pays, and 50% of unused sick leave paid out at the highest final rate of compensation, not at the rate when the leave was awarded… oh yeah, they also get more than 0.5% savings on their mortgages by stealing from their pension assets.

    Stealing from taxpayers is against our rights & freedoms, right? Boston tea party anyone? Good luck to them in insolvency court! Money doesn’t grow on trees in the states and municipalities.

  23. Cry baby Chris, please stop drunkenly texting your students like your pal Guido Pete the disgraced druggy and steroid pig policeman , you pig.

  24. How will these support staff and janitors get paid if nobody has to pay their property taxes until August?

  25. This site has endorsed candidates for school board. Have they renounced this lunacy and distanced themselves from this endorsement? They should.

  26. not if they want to win

  27. current home schooling has made much of public education redundant and obsolete

  28. ” if people aren’t working they are not paying taxes ” the schools need to share the pain


  30. Teachers are not first reponders

  31. Where do you come up with those numbers? A dream? 10% of the state’s population are not public employees nor do they make up 20% of the work force. Put down that joint!

  32. Population of NJ is 8.8 million. Labour force is 4.5 million. Active Public sector employees and retirees in seven public pension systems: the Consolidated Police & Firemen’s Pension Fund, the Judicial Retirement System, the Police & Firemen’s Retirement System, the Prison Officers Pension Fund, the Public Employees’ Retirement System, the State Police Retirement System and the Teachers’ Pension & Annuity Fund = over 880,000.

  33. All the government programs have been defunded, and PPE and ventilator stockpiles depleted, and pandemic plans scrapped all because the money has had to go towards excessive defined benefit pension and healthcare benefits for public sector workers.

    Benefits, negotiated in bad faith CBAs by parties with clear conflicts of interests (eg. retired police captains or mothers with sons looking to get hired – who had been elected mayor – were negotiating CBAs with the police union) need to be diminished!

    We’ve become a second-rate nation, where private sector workers are losing their livelihoods, but public sector employees and retirees lose nothing. The virus has exposed that.

  34. The police & fire overtime bills in this pandemic are outrageous. There are very few vehicular accidents, very few robberies, and very few fires. Yet they’re billing Villagers for OT like they’re the only ones working here. Piggish behavior.

  35. I am not a teacher but I appreciate everything they do for these kids. They don’t only manage 20 plus students but their parents as well. There are parents who take the time to support their children after school but there are parents who can care less what their kids do which typically leads their children to make poor decisions in life. There are kids that are bullied abused, dealing with depression. These teachers are the front line to lead our children towards the right path in life. Starting from prek through college. Each and every teacher will play a role in a kids life. The person who wrote this is highly uneducated or has a personal vendetta because they don’t like their own jobs and likely have no kids to truly understand. Teachers deserve the summer off., they put in extra hours overnight, lesson planning, grading kids, participating in extra curricular activities and don’t get paid for it. While many corporations offer tuition reimbursement, teachers pay for it out of pocket. Teachers also pay for all the supplies for our children and don’t get reimbursed. Teachers get paid horribly unless they spend their own personal money in higher education and survive for over 15 years. Schools are over crowded. Sure covid puts a major dent in budget just like any business but just laying off teachers carelessly is not the answer. How about you talk about people that are stupidly protesting without a care in the world of spreading It to others. Imagine 1 student has covid and contaminates 19 other kids including the teacher. Now they go home and their loved ones get it and pass as so many have. That one child or adult can cause a lot of damage. Open your eyes and look at what’s going on around the world. I’m sure many businesses and public workers maybe offered early retirement to save jobs, and hopefully that can be an open option. Targeting teachers, firemen, policemen or anyone is stupid at this point in time. Everyone is hurting right now. This virus was spread by people, doesn’t matter race, what your profession is. Everyone spread it amongst themselves. So now is the time for everyone to support each other and work together to fight this virus and take advantage of the business opportunities not point fingers. This is our new way of life it’s our reality.

  36. The Biggest PIGS in the world are retirement fund managers, they rob from hardworking Americans retirement funds by charging outrageous fees. They hide these fees from their clients because if their clients knew how much they were being ripped off they would fire those PIGGY retirement fund managers.

  37. Totally tone deaf.

  38. This was about teachers?! It’s a liberal democratic ploy by the public sector unions to steal money from tax payers. Dems = unions.

  39. Wykoff just lowered property taxes.

    Our BOE and Village Council both snuck through 2.1%+ 2020 tax increases under the cover of this pandemic… more than 100% of that increase is going only to pay for wages, platinum level healthcare with $5-10 drug copays, and defined benefit pensions, all while private sector workers are sh&t out of luck. Pure public sector greed!

  40. I have no problem with a nominal increase in my property tax. If it’s that big of a concern to the poster above I suggest you move to Wyckoff.

  41. You or your kids probably livin’ large at the public’s expense.

  42. To the individual who said,

    “You or your kids probably livin’ large at the public’s expense.”

    I don’t know how you arrived at that conclusion, but you are wrong. Do you always make assumptions about people with little or no information?

  43. News Flash….. retirees are not considered a part of the work force.

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