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Today Commemorates the Start of the American Revolution

american revolution
April 19,2017
Ridgewood Schoolhouse Museum  Memo

Ridgewood NJ, On April 19, 1775, at 5am, 700 British regulars marched into Lexington, MA and were met by 77 American militiamen. The Americans initially began to disperse, and then from an undetermined gun, “the shot heard round the world” was fired. Ten Americans and 1 British soldier died there. Two hours later the British marched into Concord only to be met by hundreds of American Patriots. The British commander ordered his troops to hastily begin their 16 mile trek to Boston. Throughout the return, the Americans fired upon the troops – Indian style, from behind trees, rocks and bushes. By the time the British reached Boston, nearly 300 British soldiers had been killed, wounded, or were missing in action. The fight for Independence had begun!

With more battles being fought here than anywhere else, New Jersey played a key role in the Revolutionary War, While no major battles were fought in Bergen County there were a number of skirmishes between local Patriots and British troops or sympathizers. The Ridgewood area was constantly visited by Washington and his officers.

The Schoolhouse Museum’s new exhibit “From the Revolutionary War to the 1960’s Revolution”commemorates our war for Independence with actual artifacts, weapons and equipment; as well as examples of flags and uniforms from this period.

To see this display as well as other displays highlighting other significant events during this time, from wars, to the roaring twenties to the rocking 60’s; as well as histories of prominent Ridgewood area residents, visit the Ridgewood Historical Society’s Schoolhouse Museum, at 650 East Glen Avenue. The museum is open Thursdays and Saturday 1-3pm and Sundays 2-4pm. Please visit for more information.

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