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Trump: ‘In America we don’t worship government, we worship God’

church sky 1

BY PAULINA FIROZI – 05/13/17 11:10 AM EDT

Trump: ‘In America we don’t worship government, we worship God’

Speaking to a friendly crowd at the country’s largest Christian university on Saturday, President Trump told the graduating class that “in America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.”

“America has always been the land of dreams because America is a nation of true believers,” Trump told those gathered at Liberty University.

“When the pilgrims landed at Plymouth, they prayed. When the founders wrote the Declaration of Independence, they invoked our creator four times. Because in America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.”

“It is why our currency proudly declares, ‘In God We Trust,'” Trump continued. “And it is why we proudly proclaim that we are one nation, under God, every time we say the Pledge of Allegiance.

12 thoughts on “Trump: ‘In America we don’t worship government, we worship God’

  1. That school loves the pagan-in-chief. Students are not allowed to protest. Could you imagine what would happen if he went to Yale or the University of Maryland, or any college with free speech?

    In America we have freedom of religion and freedom from religion. Not everyone worships God -as trump understands religion. The man has no real faith and it makes me cringe when he mentions toe name of God. On Sundays he “worships” at one of his clubs. Don’t kid yourself, trump worships himself.

  2. I think Trump would like it if we worshiped him.

  3. @2.02pm: So how come whenever invited speakers or anyone else who voices conservative viewpoints is shouted down by students, threatened with violence, and riots break out?

  4. You should go to you Safe Place 2:02.

  5. Like Obama did 4:04.

  6. Safe place, why? Because I know that trump in a con man? His ego is his religion.

    Can’t wait till his resignation. He doesn’t have the backbone to go through impeachment.

    More than half of Americans do not support trump. The remainder can’t admit that they were conned.

  7. No James 9:17 need therapy.

  8. Expected assessment of the trump choir.

    Blind loyalty because you can’t admit that you helped to elect an unhinged con man. You are unable to defend his actions so you go after the messenger.

    Read a little about the new formats of Hannity and Carlson’s shows. They attack the critics of the presidency and no longer defend the president. Can’t defend the indefensible.

    1. you really need a hobby

  9. James. Is that comment your “go to” when you have nothing to say? Insightful.

    Apparently you have nothing positive to say about trump. Attack the messenger.

  10. 6.53.This con man humiliated your queen. He did it fair and square. Stop whining and moaning. Trump is far from perfect but just because you liberals keep yelling and screaming like mad it doesn’t mean he will get impeached or quit. Sometimes even I as his voter do not like how he behaves or deals with things but I have no doubt he is much better than your con woman. He is your president for the next 4 or maybe 8 years. Deal with it.

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