Turf-marking for July Fourth parade is Ridgewood tradition
Friday, June 28, 2013
The Record
RIDGEWOOD — A warning to visitors: Those lawn and folding chairs lining the curb outside the library are not free for the taking.
Chairs are already lined up along Maple Avenue in front of the Ridgewood Public Library for the July 4th parade.
Nor are the empty chairs chained together and left along parts of Maple, Linwood and Ridgewood avenues.
That’s because in Ridgewood, the chairs mark the spot for the Fourth of July parade, when it rolls by next Thursday.
The placement of the chairs along the parade route has become an annual symbol of independence in the village.
“It has been a long tradition in Ridgewood,” Mayor Paul Aronsohn said this week. “Soon, chairs will be everywhere. They’ll keep popping up now around the parade route.”
– See more at: https://www.northjersey.com/community/213443771_Turf-marking_for_July_Fourth_parade_is_Ridgewood_tradition.html#sthash.ZPCpTuXk.dpuf
How does the mayor know about long tradition in Ridgewood? he just moved here a few years ago.
So let me get this straight folks –
Mayor Paul Aronsohn, who wants to spend tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to construct an ADA compliant ramp at Graydon, has absolutely no issue with dozens if Village sidewalks being blocked for days by hundreds of chairs that disabled residents have difficulty negotiating their way around.
What a hypocrite!
to all parade watcher’s if you bring out any sitting device please don’t leave behind. some people in the past bring stuff and they don’t take it back. why well it’s just poor lazy jerks.
thank you.