the staff of the Ridgewood blog
TAHLEQUAH , The Cherokee Nation issued a statement Monday on Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test results. Sen. Warren released her DNA report in response to President Donald Trump taunting her for her saying she was part Native American.
Sen. Warren released her ancestry report and it stated that “the great majority of (Warren’s) identifiable ancestry is European.” However, the report adds, “The analysis also identified 5 genetic segments as Native American in origin at high confidence.”
This afternoon the Cherokee Nation released a statement that said in part that DNA tests are useless in determining tribal citizenship and people using DNA to connect themselves to Cherokee Nation is inappropriate.
You can read the full statement below:
“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America. Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation. Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is prove. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.”
– Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin, Jr.
The woman is a narcissistic nutjob and she is doubling down on her ludacris lie. Almost all of us have trace amounts of just about every other ethnicity, which is exactly what she has. She’s as much Native American as I am.
Hey Trump challenged, she did the test, the results show he owes a million to a charity of her choice. He should shut up and pay up.
I don’t think Scripps Media would appreciate you lifting their story word for word and giving credit to the “staff” of the RWB.
story is from the Cherokee Nation Press Release, perhaps they copied the same thing or perhaps they copied us
The Left are trying as hard as they can to spin the results in her favor but even they are backing away.
Anyone want to bet that Trump will not pay up? Anymore than giving the money to the Vets for the rally he held instead of participating in a debate
oy vey
Fauxcohontas lives!
Who is the alternate universe clown that keeps saying Trump has to pay up? Is this some kind of opposite day game?
I don’t like the president but believing that he made a bet for $1m dollars is an example of “argument by headline” that shows lack of independent thought, shallowness of analysis and unpatriotic reflexive partisanship that is the real threat to our democracy. If you read what he said when he said it the mention of a bet was buried in a hypothetical debate he said he would have with Senator Warren, should she be his opponent. All you have to do is read the transcript. But yes, that probably doesn’t feel as good in your hippocampus as re-screeching the shoddy reporting of your favorite biased news outlet.
Cherokee Nation goes on Warpath against Fauxahontis