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>Victory on “Clean Elections” Bill!

>AFP-NJ News and Views for June 24, 2008

Victory on “Clean Elections” Bill!

AFP activists have once again proven that we can win when we act together. It is because of your efforts that the “Clean Elections” bill has been taken off the legislative table.

Over 1,000 AFP-NJ activists sent almost 11,000 messages to Assembly committee members urging them to not post this expensive welfare for politicians bill. This response is incredible and demonstrates how much power we can bring to bear when we need to.

Thank you all for a job well done! Your messages, letters, and phone calls made the many committee supporters of this bill think twice about their position.

I would also like to thank Assemblywoman McHose (R-Sussex County, District 24) for leading the charge against this bill in the Assembly. We need more Assembly members with her ideals and courage.


Letter to Steve Lonegan from Assemblywoman McHose
Dear Steve,

Thanks for your help and that of the hundreds of volunteers and activists from Americans for Prosperity in getting the message out on A-100. Because of you and AFP, this legislation has been at least temporarily halted in the Assembly Budget Committee.

As you know, A-100, is the enabling legislation for the so-called “Clean Elections” program for 2009. It is the brainchild of the Camden County Democratic machine and was cooked-up as part of a backroom political maneuver to put forward taxpayer-subsidized political campaigns for a few hand-picked districts, and call it “reform”.

This is a bad bill for a whole host of reasons — as even its honest supporters acknowledge. Thanks to you, we’ve made the Legislature think again before spending millions in taxpayers’ money to fund a selected group of politicians’ campaigns.

Not only can’t New Jersey afford it, the way this bill goes about it is ethically wrong. Now we must stay vigilant in case the bill is brought up again.

Thank you and thank AFP.

Alison Littell McHose,
(R-Sussex County, District 24)


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