>Bids Requested For Additional Flood Prevention Measures At Village Hall
Sealed bid proposals will be received by the Village of Ridgewood, in the 3RD Floor Conference Room, Village Hall, 131 North Maple Avenue , Ridgewood, New Jersey 07451, on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 10:00 am, prevailing time, and then publicly opened and read aloud for the following project: Village Hall Flood Protection Project
The work of the Contract shall be to construct and furnish the following flood protection measures for Village Hall:
“Approximately 80 linear feet of 3-foot tall stucco finished reinforced concrete wall.
“Approximately 70 linear feet of 3-foot tall stucco finished face, formed reinforced concrete wall.
“Two 3-foot tall stucco finished reinforced concrete end pillars with seating benches for mounting Doordam panels.
“Approximately 100 linear feet of Doordam Panels with mounting pillars, mullions, brackets, and all necessary appurtenances for a complete installation for flood protection.
“Site landscaping and sidewalk restoration, as needed.