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>VOTE for the Best Pizza in Ridgewood 2011


VOTE for the Best Pizza in Ridgewood 2011 

(RIDGEWOOD -NJ ) The mystery pizza tasters are currently making their way through the Village tasting their favorite slice from all the contestants. The contest will run through the entire month of October and the Winner will be announced in early November .

As previously announced due to the hotly contested nature of the contest and technical problems with the voting in the past there is a limit of 1 vote per IP . This year we are adding 5 secret reviewers who will taste a slice of pizza from each participant .We will then compare their selection with the Votes and see if they come to the same conclusions.  PJ will do a special taste test to break any ties should they occur .

Renato’s currently remains in the lead with Sicilian Sun and A Mano mounting strong challenges. We found this clip of Presidential contender Herman Cain singing “Imagine There’s No Pizza” at a Godfather Pizza event.

Past Winners include :

Pizza fusion (2010 Winner)

A Mano (2009 Winner)

Puzo’s (2008 Winner)

the POLL :

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