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Walktoberfest 2019 Celebrates Ridgewood’s 125th Anniversary!

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, In celebration of the 125th Anniversary of The Village of Ridgewood, Ridgewood Walks presents our 3rd Annual Walktoberfest—with a special focus on historic venues. Join us for this month-long, village-wide walking initiative during October—enjoy the variety of FREE, guided and themed walking tours offered by local volunteers to highlight the best parts of our community: business, historical, cultural, educational, leadership and volunteer organizations—and of course, our neighbors. Take steps with us to connect person to person and learn more about what makes  Ridgewood special.

This year, we encourage you to make a $10 donation to the Ridgewood Historical Society to preserve our Village’s historic artifacts and the Schoolhouse Museum. Visit www.ridgewoodhistoricalsociety to make an online donation, or bring a check to your tour ambassador made out to Ridgewood Historical Society.

Tours added regularly: follow our Facebook group, “Ridgewood Walks” for updates.


2019 Walktoberfest Tours
Upcoming tours: (visit the sign-up site for added tours)Oct. 6—1pm: Annual Grove Park Clean Up
Oct. 6— 4pm: Forest Bathing at Glen Rock Arboretum
Oct. 11—6pm: Haunted Ridgewood*
Oct. 12—Noon: James Rose Center*
Oct. 12—4pm: Brookside Walk
Oct. 18—6pm: Haunted Ridgewood*
Oct. 19—11am: Architectural Tour of Oakcroft
Oct. 19—11am: Ridgewood High School Party
Oct. 19—11am: Ridgewood Guild’s Ca$h Mobs
Oct. 20 —1:30pm: St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church
Oct. 21—12:45pm: Historic Ridgewood*
Oct. 22—5:30pm: Historic Ridgewood
Oct. 25—6pm: Haundted Ridgewood*
Oct. 26—1:30pm: Thriller Flash Mob
Oct. 26—6pm: Haunted Ridgewood*
Oct. 28—9:30am: Arts and Architecture
Oct. 31—4pm: Thriller Flash Mob
Nov. 3—2pm: Habernickel Park
*Filled or nearly filled
Follow us on Facebook for updates and announcements: “Ridgewood Walks”

3 thoughts on “Walktoberfest 2019 Celebrates Ridgewood’s 125th Anniversary!

  1. What’s the common connection between 125th committee, Ridgewood Walk and Historical Society?
    It looks like Ridgewood Walk is using 125th committee’s logo and Ridgewood Historical society’s logo for promoting their agenda (which is owned by one single person)?
    I hope no funds are being used from 125th committee and from the historical society to benefit RIdgewood Walk’s Owner who think she has the right to cut all the lines because she is somehow special?

  2. The town should shut her down.

  3. I’ll be driving….

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