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Website Rolls Out List of 10 Most White Trash Cities In New Jersey


September 28,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, According to the website Roadsnacks ,these are the places in New Jersey with the most drug-addicted, violent, welfare receiving white populations in the Garden State. The website claims these Are The 10 Most White Trash Cities In New Jersey.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, white trash is defined as:

“A term used broadly to define a person or group of persons whom embody the concepts of ignorance, racism, violence, alcoholism, poverty, and anglo-saxon ancestry. Similarly used with the term ‘cracker,’ ‘hillbilly’ or ‘redneck’.”

The site claims after pouring over data, watching too many fist fights and perusing illiterate Facebook comments, we’ve determined these are the most White trash cities in New Jersey:

Gloucester City

Roadsnacks used publicly available government data, as well as Google Maps, we were able to collect the data on the following white trash metrics:

Cities where there are lots of white people
Cities where residents are poorer than average
Cities where a high number of residents are high school dropouts
High drug use
Higher than average Payday Loan Outlets and bargain stores
Violent cities (measured in aggravated assaults)
Cities with a high number of residents on welfare

These Are The 10 Trashiest Cities In New Jersey

3 thoughts on “Website Rolls Out List of 10 Most White Trash Cities In New Jersey

  1. Does Roadsnacks also publish a list of the 10 most “Black Trash”, “Red Trash” “Yellow Trash” “Brown Trash” cities in NJ?

    Or are they just white hating racists?

  2. So much for all that white privilege stuff I keep hearing.

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