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White House War on American Energy Independence Continues: Plan to Quadruple Mythical “Social Cost of Carbon Emissions”

Snow Blizzard of 2016 Ridgewood CBD

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, just in time for winter, the Biden Administration is moving full speed ahead with his economically ruinous crusade against fossil fuels.

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The White House plans to raise its “cost of carbon” estimate from the already high $51 per metric ton to $190 this year.  Tom Pyle, the head of the Institute for Energy Research, tells us this could quietly unleash a torrent of expensive new environment regulations.


According to E&E News that broke this story, “Federal agencies can then use [a higher cost of carbon] as part of their cost/benefit analyses to justify more stringent climate regulation on sources ranging from power plants and automobiles to the oil and gas sector.”

Energy costs have already risen from 50 to 100% since Biden took office. Brownouts and blackouts are expected in many northeastern states if it is a cold winter ahead.

This energy crisis will get much more severe if these new cost of carbon estimates are raised fourfold.  Think of the cost of carbon as a direct tax levied on energy usage.

One of the models at the EPA would raise the cost of carbon dioxide to as high as $340 per ton.  This would with a stroke of the pen strangle America’s domestic fossil fuels industry.

3 thoughts on “White House War on American Energy Independence Continues: Plan to Quadruple Mythical “Social Cost of Carbon Emissions”

  1. These climate nut cases use every way to sneak in their agenda.
    I have another home in Massachusetts.
    The liberal elected officials snuck in a mandate years ago that every utility must have a certain percentage of the electricity sold to be ‘renewable’
    As of this writing, its 51 percent. Perusing alternate suppliers ALL have that 51% as mandatory, and NONE have more as optional.
    This caused my electric ‘generation’ portion of the bill to DOUBLE in a year.
    They closed Pilgrim & Seabrook nuclear power plants so the majority of electricity is generated by clean abundant natural gas.. HEREIN lies ANOTHER PROBLEM
    The WACKO climate activists, along with the liberal elected officials DENIED the expansion of a gas pipeline a few years ago. Simply from 36 inches to 48 inches. This caused large businesses to close in the winter when the supply was needed to make electricity instead of heating factories.
    NOW the LOONIES in washington are forcing electric vehicles upon the public, without increasing the supply… and forcing utilities to buy renewable at ANY COST. (this provision was inserted in the law to pad the pockets of the failed cape wind project, yet remains the law)
    So plugging your car in is going to cost a lot more (didn’t beaver-teeth sign a similar law)

    1. We are outliers, deniers, and deplorables.

      The masses wanted this, they voted for this.

      Who are we to question the wisdom of the masses?

      Who are we to question the wisdom of the children?

      It is our job to SHUT UP and PAY!

  2. Our foreign energy competition (e.g. Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, etc) were reported to be laughing their asses off at us while they increased their energy exports.

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