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Why did the Village Clerk’s office send out this document in the first place?

Jeff Voigt Ridgewood Council

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Councilman Jeffrey D. Voigt has brought nothing but shame and embarrassment on the Village of Ridgewood.  The list of his outrageous behaviors and unneeded expenses (on the taxpayers’ dollar) just continues to climb.

Now we have the latest fiasco.  He actually wrote a fictional narrative in response to an Open Public Records Act request that a reporter for The Record filed.  Seriously.  He has brought our fair village into the mess of FAKE NEWS.  The Reporter asked for simple information from each of the five councilpeople:  she asked them to supply the names of anyone who was blocked from their Facebook pages.  The other four council people, that is the “normal” members of our elected body, supplied what was asked for.  Michael Sedon does not have a FB page.  Ramon Hache, Susan Knudsen, and Bernadette Walsh do not have anyone blocked.  Then comes Mr. Voigt – he supplies the names of something like 25 residents who he has blocked.  And then he proceeds to write a load of bullshit.  Not only was it lies, as the Village Attorney has now demonstrated, but it was not even what the reporter had requested.  The Blog would like to know how many billable hours were logged by our Village Attorney fixing Mr. Voigt’s fake news.   Mr. Voigt is a disaster. 

But we have another problem here.  Why did the Village Clerk’s office send out this document in the first place?  The Clerk’s office has been renowned in recent years for some serious mis-steps with the entire OPRA process.  This multi-paragraph bulls*#t rant from Voigt was not responsive to the reporter’s request.  Ms. Mailander and Ms. Jackson clearly knew this, yet they sent it out anyway.  So they are a huge part of the problem.  The Clerk’s office should have stopped this before it ever happened and simply refused to send it.  We know that Voigt has a long history of bullying, shouting, and attempting to intimidate people who get in his way. Perhaps (we do not know but we can suppose) he bullied Jackson or Mailander into sending it.  If so, they should be fired.  Their response, if this scenario happened, should have been to call the police.  They should never ever have allowed fake news to be generated from The Village of Ridgewood.  Answers are needed from the Clerk’s Office about this fiasco.
The Blog is expecting the Village Council to take an official stand and action on this mess.  An elected official actually created a false document for the press, and our Clerk’s office actually sent it out.  The Jerk and the Clerk, wow.

16 thoughts on “Why did the Village Clerk’s office send out this document in the first place?

  1. Yes, I agree. The Village Council needs to speak up on this matter

  2. All of the money spent is because of someone from that angry group in town that continues to bully people and community initiatives in town. They are a circle of hate and the blog festers on this algea. Who is to blame is the lawyer and the entire VC for not having a social media policy and for not having a clear training and review. We are sure everyone is in violation.

    1. so Voigt lying is everyone else’s fault ?

  3. Taxpayer Voigt – algea is not a word. And shotty is not the same a shoddy. And semicolons are not supposed to be placed anywhere you feel like it. All those college degrees you brag of certainly did not educate you.

  4. Wait, so your defense is that people dislike Voigt? So if people liked him it would be okay for him to write fictional crap for the newspapers?

  5. I expect Voigt to apologize publicly as he did when he yelled out douchebag

  6. That angry group in town bullying people……..yep. DPL, JJ, TD, GH, TG, RH, JP, HL. They are a nasty group, fueled by love of Aronsohn.

  7. Yes. He should absolutely apologize for spreading fake news directly to a reporter. Come on Jeff. Man up.

  8. Do you keep deleting the comments and reposting until you like the outcome

  9. What are you talking about Taxpayer? We see all your stupid comments. James does not censor.

  10. James does not delete comments. Not even yours, Taxpayer

  11. Yeah, right, Voigt is going to apologize for lying. Not in this lifetime

  12. James does not delete comments.

    That may well be true buy James rejects and does not post comment he disagree with, regularly and often.

  13. People from all sides of any argument are skewered on this blog regularly, including James himself. How do you call that censoring? YOU probably tried to post an actual threat, and that is something James will not post. Rightly so.

  14. To answer the question that’s posed in the title of this article: The clerk was bullied by a ranting lunatic named Voigt.

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